
2017年03月06日 新西兰四达国际留学移民


新西兰衔接课程学生签证 继续试行12个月

自2015年12月7日开始,新型衔接课程学生签证(Pathway Student Visas)开始试行18个月,并且覆盖超过500所中小学和高等教育院校.





1. 新西兰政府和移民局相信这种新型签证可以帮助吸引和留住优秀的留学生,因为学生不用在学习期间多次申请签证(毕竟每次的学生签申请费277新元也不便宜).

2. 该类型签证的出现也同时告诉我们,制定一个完善的留学计划是非常有必要的.

3. 该类型签证申请中,不可以包含配偶和未成年子女.但是他们可以独立申请基于和你关系的相关签证.

4. 该类型签证申请方式为:(1)在线申请;(2)纸质申请



         ARA Institute of Canterbury

         Otago Polytechnic

         Unitec Institute of Technology

         Universal College of Learning (UCOL)

         Wellington Institute of Technology 


         ABC College of English

         ACG Norton College

         Air New Zealand Aviation Institute

         Alpha Educational Institute

         Aromaflex Academy

         Aspiring Language Institute

         Auckland Edinburgh College

         Auckland English Academy

         Bridge International College Limited

         Canterbury International College

         Christchurch College of English Limited

         CTC Aviation Training (NZ) Limited

         Dominion English Schools

         Duke Institute of Studies Limited

         Eagle Flight Training Limited

         Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies

         Education & Training Consultants

         EF International Language Schools Limited

         Excellent International Academy

         Freedom Institute of Higher Education

         Good Shepherd College - Te Hepara Pai

         International Aviation Academy of New Zealand Limited

         Kaplan International Colleges

         Kiwi English Academy Limited

         Language Schools New Zealand

         Languages International Limited

         Media Design School

         Mount Maunganui Language Centre

         Nelson Aviation College Limited

         Nelson English Centre Ltd

         New Horizon College of English

         New Zealand Languages Centres

         New Zealand Tertiary College

         New Zealand School of Dance

         New Zealand School of Food and Wine Limited

         New Zealand School of Tourism

         North Shore Language School

         Pacific International Hotel Management School Limited

         Queenstown Resort College

         Rotorua English Language Academy

         Seafield School of English Limited

         Southern Lakes English College

         St John's Theological College

         Taupo Language and Outdoor Education Centre

         Taylors College and Embassy CES

         Te Wananga o Aotearoa (DynaSpeak)

         The Campbell Institute - Capital Language Academy

         The International Travel College of New Zealand Limited


         Unique New Zealand

         Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design

         Worldwide School Limited


         ACG Senior College

         ACG Parnell College

         ACG Sunderland

         ACG Strathallan

         ACG New Zealand International College

         Auckland Girls' Grammar School

         Auckland Grammar

         Bayfield High School

         Brookfield School

         Burnside High School

         Carmel College

         Cobham Intermediate

         Darfield High School

         Diocesan School For Girls

         Epsom Girls' Grammar School

         Farm Cove Intermediate

         Freyberg High School

         Gisborne Girls' High School

         Gladstone School (Auckland)

         Glendowie College

         Glendowie School

         Glenfield College

         Hamilton Boys' High School

         Hillcrest High School

         Hillmorton High School

         Howick College

         Iona College

         James Hargest College

         Kaipara College

         Kapiti College

         Kerikeri High School

         Lincoln High School

         Lynfield College

         Middleton Grange School

         Mount Hutt College

         Mt Roskill Grammar

         Napier Boys' High School

         Nayland College

         Newlands College

         Northcote College

         Northcross Intermediate

         Onehunga High School

         Onslow College

         Otago Girls' High School

         Otumoetai College

         Otumoetai Intermediate

         Pakuranga College

         Papanui High School

         Queen Charlotte College

         Queens High School

         Rangitoto College

         Rodney College

         Roncalli College

         Rosehill College

         Rotorua Boys' High School

         Sacred Heart College (Auckland)

         Scots College

         Selwyn College

•         St Bede’s College

•         St Hilda’s Collegiate

•         St Kevin’s College (Oamaru)

         St Mary's College (Ponsonby)

         St Mary's Diocesan School (Stratford)

         Takapuna Grammar School

         Tauhara College

         Tauranga School

         Upper Hutt College

         Waihi College

         Waimea College

         Waiuku College

         Wakatipu High School

         Wellington Girls' College

         Westlake Girls' High School

         Westland High School

         William Colenso College


         Auckland University of Technology

         Lincoln University

         Massey University

         University of Auckland

         University of Auckland- English Language Academy

         University of Canterbury

         University of Otago

         University of Waikato

         Victoria University of Wellington


电话  (+64)92818586

海外免费热线    0800 180008

地址  Level 3, 220 Queen Street, Auckland, New Zealand

邮箱  [email protected]

微信 jessiezhang001

网站  http://www.gstarnz.com/

微信公共平台   nzgoldenstar2014  

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