这必须排在第一位对吧?我的两个小孩出生之后,我都在他们七个月大的时候回归职场。我爱我的工作,也爱我的孩子,但我不喜欢一个人待在家里陪孩子(很抱歉!)。我真的很期待回到我的岗位上,重新穿上正装和高跟鞋,与成年人一同奋斗于职场。我从未后悔过回归职场,但我内心的愧疚感也从没停下过。我内疚的是,陪伴他们经历成长过程中重要阶段的人是保姆而不是我——包括第一次学走路,学习上厕所等 。我内疚的是,相比跟他们玩,我更喜欢在办公桌前埋头苦干。随着他们慢慢长大,我发现我已经能够在走进办公室时像按下开关那样,关掉所有关于孩子的想法,全身心投入到工作中。但一到下午五点半(下班时间),这些愧疚感又会慢慢袭来。在办公室多待的每一分钟相当于陪伴孩子的时间又少了一分钟,我的愧疚感就多增加一分。每天我都在我的脑袋里平衡这两件事——做我喜欢的工作以及花足够的时间陪伴孩子,以此减少我的愧疚感。
For the third and final blog around Women’s Day I have been asked by a colleague to share my experience of the pressures on working mothers. So here are my personal top three “pressures”. I expect they apply to working fathers too.
This has to be number one, right? After both of my children were born, I went back to work when they were seven months old. I loved my job. And while I loved my children I didn’t love sitting around at home alone with a small baby (sorry). I really looked forward to getting back to work, rediscovering the smart clothes and heels, and being in adult company again. I have never regretted returning to work when I did, but that doesn’t stop me feeling guilty. I felt guilty that their nursery carers had seen them through all the milestones - first steps, even toilet training. I felt guilty that I preferred to be at my desk than playing with them. As they have got older, I have found that I could switch off all thoughts of my children at the door to my office and focus fairly successfully on my work. But when it gets to 5:30pm the guilt creeps back in: every minute I work is another minute taken away from my time with them. It’s a daily balancing act inside my head between doing the work I enjoy and spending enough time with my children to keep the guilt at bay.
Mothers are subjected to a range of assumptions and it’s infuriating. When my son was a baby, I applied for an internship in the office of one of our Ministers for a week. There was only one other candidate, a man. I was told that the internship would be given to him, because they had been concerned I wouldn’t have the flexibility to work longer hours, as a mother. I was even assured that the decision was entirely due to this factor and not related to my capability! So my plea to managers everywhere is not to make assumptions about what a mother wants to do: let her be responsible for her own decisions.
Too few hours in the day
With the arrival of children, your priorities do change, and you might not be willing to participate in some of the optional extras at work: evening networking, social events, conferences overseas (but never assume - some mothers would welcome these opportunities!). There are not enough hours in the day to work, see your children, and to take up every optional developmental activity that is offered to us at work (and maybe that’s one reason why working mothers aren’t getting promoted at the same rate as their coworkers). On top of that if the children are very young you’re probably only getting two hours’ sleep per night. It’s utterly exhausting. Seven years into motherhood, I am pleased to say it gets easier.
But combining work and parenthood doesn’t only bring pressure; it also allows us to bring a special contribution to the workplace. So let’s finish this blog on a more positive note: Becoming a parent has changed me in a way that makes me a better person to work with.
Firstly, I appreciate now that we all have hidden diversity issues which others don’t know about. I have two children and that impacts on the way I work. Maybe there are others who have ageing parents and they can’t travel. Or someone else who is studying in the evening and needs to balance that with work. We can’t tell by looking, and we need to be open and tolerant, and to communicate.
Secondly, I have become more efficient and productive, and ruthless at prioritisation, in a way I never was before. Now I really do deliver a whole day of work within working hours and still get home in time for a family dinner.
Finally, despite (or perhaps because of) the exhaustion I can look on the years of combining work and parenthood, with no regrets and a feeling that my life could not possibly have been any fuller.
#BeBoldforChange #BeYourself
梅凯伦, 英国驻广州副总领事
梅凯伦女士自2013年就定居在中国。上一职位是在英国驻华大使馆担任一等秘书和科技与创新部门主管。 梅凯伦女士精通多种语言和社会科学, 她的第一学士学位是法律和 日文,并取得全球发展管理硕士学位。 她在英国外交部工作了14年,工作重心主要在亚太区,同时在越南,新西兰和中国均有任职过。
梅凯伦女士之前也曾任职海外志愿服务社。 在1998年到2000年期间还曾于中国合肥安徽农业大学执教。
梅凯伦副总领事将在明天晚上的“Be Yourself 做妳自己”女性激励讲座上,与大家分享她对性别平等的看法,欢迎前来围观~