【美国运动员】Billie Jean King: 女子网坛名将

2017年03月14日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国运动员#女子网坛名将Billie Jean King 1943年出生于加利福尼亚州,职业生涯共赢得39个大满贯,是第一位同一赛季内获得奖金超过10万美元的女运动员。 1973年,她在一场被人们称为“性别大战”的网球比赛中击败了前排名第一的男球员BobbyRiggs。Billie Jean King现已退役,但她仍然大力支持社会变革和性别平等。她于2009年获得总统自由勋章,也是第一位获此勋章的女运动员。更多关于BillieJean以及那场历史性的“性别大战”的内容请见(英文):http://www.history.com/news/billie-jean-king-wins-the-battle-of-the-sexes-40-years-ago

#AmericanAthletes – Billie Jean King

Women’s tennis great Billie Jean King was born in California in 1943. During the course of her career she won 39 Grand Slam titles and was the first female athlete to earn more than $100,000 in prize money in a single season. In 1973 she defeated Bobby Riggs, a former number 1 ranked male player, in what was popularly known as the “Battle of the Sexes” tennis match. Now retired she remains a champion for social change and gender equality and was the first female athlete to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009. For more information about this historic match and about Billie Jean see (eng): http://www.history.com/news/billie-jean-king-wins-the-battle-of-the-sexes-40-years-ago 

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