美商会人力资源讲座回顾 | AmCham HR Seminar Review

2017年03月04日 西南美国商会

西南美国商会仁恒置地(成都)有限公司联合举办的美商会人力资源讲座于2017年2月28日顺利举行。 此次讲座特邀境纯环境中国(成都)总经理樊浩洋以及微软Office2013认证大师晏艳女士《微软大师Office技能培训》《室内空气质量培训》带来分享。

The AmCham Human Resources Seminar held by AmCham and Yanlord Land (CHENGDU) Co., Ltd was a successful event. Our guest speakers, Chris Drew, General Manager of Pureliving, and Yan Yan, MOS 2013 Master, presented our two keynote speeches over Office Skill Seminar and Indoor Air Quality Training

本次人力资源讲座吸引了来自仲量联行、通用电气、精量电子、甲骨文、微软、瑞美、壳牌、捷普科技、杰华科技、诺基亚、德州仪器、EoG、陶氏化学、泰科电子、乐盟等美资会员公司和联合利华、国际私塾、环球医生、中城卫等联谊会员企业的踊跃参加。office 技能和室内空气质量培训话题使得现场反响热烈,会员公司纷纷表示获益良多。

Representatives from corporate members such as JLL, GE, Measurement Specialties Inc., Oracle, Microsoft,Rheem,Shell, JABIL,  SIGMA, Nokia, Texas Instruments, DOW Chemical, TE Connectivity and Léman Chengdu and associate members such as Unilever, International Institute of Education, Global Doctor, and CCG were all active participants in this seminar. The Office Skill Seminar and Indoor Air Quality Training were found to be beneficial to all that attended.


Chris Drew, General Manager of Pureliving (Chengdu), shared his knowledge on the effects of indoor air quality. He explained the origin of PM 2.5, the importance of clean indoor air quality, and the effect that air quality has on recruitment. His presentation allowed the HR managers to better understand how to maintain their talent pool.

微软Office2013认证大师及Office女神公众账号创始人晏艳女士带来了一场别开生面的office技能培训。微软Office图表美颜术技能如同女士上妆般,精髓在于“洗”、“上底妆”和“化妆”工作中常用的折线图、柱形图和占比图在这种 “美颜”技巧下也运用自如,表现得极简而有效。会员们在晏艳女士现场一对一的指导下颇有收获,并期待更多关于office技能的分享。

Grace Yan, MOS 2013 Master, provided new insight on how to create excel presentations. She compared the creative process to that of applying makeup, emphasizing the need to “delete”,“BB Scream”, and “make up”. Each of these steps corresponds to an aspect of excel charts; they demonstrate new ways to use Line, Column, and Pie. The members in attendance gained valuable knowledge in creating user-friendly excel and are looking forward to more Office Skill Seminars in the future.


AmCham will continue to hold these high-quality yet practical seminars for our members in the future. We are looking forward to the next one!

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