赴美留学五步曲的第一步是选择合适自己的学校,而这恰恰是很多父母和孩子头疼的问题,在综合考量各种因素的同时,千万不要忘了确认您拟去的学校是经过认证的正规大学哦。美国高等教育体系与中国不同,学院认证方可不是教育部,而是各个得到教育部认证的认证机构。这些认证机构既有地区性的机构,也有全国性的机构,还有专门针对商学院和法学院等的专业性认证机构。燕·赵·库派克女士,North Michigan University国际事务部部长将为您详述美国高等教育机构的认证体系,帮助您更好的作出选择。
September 14,2017, Thursday, 10:00 am—12:00 pm Why it matters that yourschool is accredited
Researchingyour options is the first of EducationUSA’s five steps to finding the best-fitcollege or university in the United States. Among all the factors to considerduring your college search, an important one is to check if the highereducation institution is accredited or not. Accreditation is a form ofendorsement that a college or university meets certain standards and quality.
Unlike theChinese education system which is governed by the Ministry of Education, U.S.colleges and universities are accredited by several accrediting agenciesrecognized by the Department of Education. Some accrediting agencies areregional; some are national. Dr. Yan Zhao Ciupak,Assistant Professor, Faculty Director for InternationalInitiatives from North Michigan University will explain the U.S. highereducation accreditation system and why it is important for students to apply toaccredited colleges and universities.