每周英语:Full of hot air 吹牛大王

2014年07月30日 瑞恩安联澳洲留学移民

Hot air balloonsare the oldest successful human-carrying flight technology. Photo: StephenDaniels/BBC


According to theGuinness World Records website, the first Pacific crossing by hot air balloonwas achieved by Richard Branson and Per Lindstrand in1991. The'Virgin OtsukaPacific Flyer' flew from the southern tip of Japan to Lac la Matre in Canada.The journey was completed in46 hours and15 minutes.

根据世界吉尼斯纪录网站显示,人类首次成功驾驶热气球横穿太平洋的纪录是由理查德•布兰森和林德斯特兰德于1991年所创造的。他们驾驶名为‘Virgin Otsuka Pacific Flyer’的热气球从日本南部出发飞跃太平洋到达加拿大 Lac la Matre,全程用时46小时15分钟。


短语 full of hot air可以形容某人夸夸其谈、纸上谈兵。


My boss keepspromising to give me a pay rise but the extra money never comes. He is full ofhot air!

My mate Phillipis full of hot air- he says he know lots of celebrities, but I know it's not true.


短语 to clear the air的意思是消除误解、隔阂。


Mary and John hadbeen arguing a lot. Mary decided they needed to clear the air and have anhonest, open conversation.

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