Open House Day | 校内家长开放日圆满结束

2017年09月08日 合肥加拿大国际学校

The Canadian International School of Hefei held Open House on September 5th from 6 until 9 PM.  The parents and grandparents came back to school. We had a very good turn out at all grade levels.  Parents at Elementary and Middle High had the opportunity to learn about the curriculum being taught and at the same time were shown how student work is being assessed. 

合肥加拿大国际学校在9月5日晚上6点到9点举办了家长会。 每个年级都有很多家长和孩子的祖父母来参加。小学部和初高中的家长们都来到我们学校了解了教学课程和了解学校如何对学生学习和作业进行评估的。

PYP Kindergarten parents were amazed at the multicultural background of our teachers. CISH kindergarten is the place a three to six year old wants to be. Our teacher presentations on Tuesday evening demonstrated this even more!


PYP Grades 1 to 5 parents saw how CISH has a wealth of experience with our grades 1 to 5 teachers. It is really exciting to see how they are so engaged in their Units of Inquiry. From grades 1 to 4 we have double in capacity and this definitely demonstrates confidence in our Primary Years Program in the community. 


In Middle School MYP parents learned about the curriculum and interdisciplinary teaching.  They were given important information on the GRADE 10 PERSONAL PROJECTS. 


The High School Teachers were able to explain how our curriculum was becoming much more rigorous and how many more opportunities the students had in terms of selecting curriculum. As one parent stated “ I cannot believe how your school has made the curriculum much more rigorous and at the same time given my child so many choices.” 


CISH sends a huge thank you to all the parents who came out for the evening!  Special thanks to our student volunteers. Also if any parent missed the evening and wants to learn more just phone Sharon at CISH or email her at [email protected].

合肥加拿大国际学校非常感谢每一位家长的出席!特别感谢我们的学生志愿者。如果有任何家长错过了这次的开放日活动并且希望可以了解更多的话请联系CISH的Sharon或者发邮件给她,她的邮箱地址是[email protected]

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