Oakwood Asia Pacific Ltd. has announced the appointment of Australian citizen, Mr. Richard Murphy as General Manager for Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu effective from August 7th 2017.
奥克伍德亚太有限公司于2017年8月7日宣布, 由来自澳大利亚的Richard Murphy先生正式担任成都丰德奥克伍德华庭酒店公寓总经理一职,全面负责成都丰德奥克伍德华庭酒店公寓的管理及运营工作。
Richard has more than 15 years hospitality experience of holding various senior managerial positions in Malaysia, Thailand and China. With the experience of working at prestigious hotel groups such as Accor Hotels and Pan Pacific Hotels Group, Richard stands out in hotel operations, events management as well as sales and marketing strategy. During his time in Thailand, he also served on the HSMAI Thailand (Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International) Executive Board and was elected President, HSMAI Thailand in January 2017 due to his outstanding leadership. With his relocation to Chengdu, Richard has joined the HSMAI Greater China Executive Board.
Richard Murphy先生拥有超过十五年的酒店管理经验,先后于雅高酒店及泛太平洋酒店集团等高端品牌酒店中担任要职,其工作经历遍布马来西亚、泰国及中国。拥有丰富酒店管理经验的他十分善于酒店日常运营管理,活动策划及市场策略的分析与制定。因其出色的管理能力,Murphy先生在其于泰国工作期间加入泰国国际酒店市场销售协会并于2017年1月被推举成为该协会行政委员会会长。随着Murphy先生来到成都,他也加入了酒店市场销售协会中国区行政委员会。
On his relocation to Chengdu, Richard said: “I am simply delighted to be back in China and leading the team at Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu in the remarkable city of Chengdu. Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu is a beautiful property with exceptional rooms and facilities, perfect for extended stays or even shorter, overnight visits. With our central location in Chengdu’s Wuhou District, nearby Tongzilin Metro station, Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu, also makes a great choice for casual dining, celebrations and social events. And we look forward to welcoming you!”
Richard is a keen swimmer with a passion for travel and discovering amazing local experiences. With his passion, he will contribute greatly to the successful operations of Oakwood Residence Funder Chengdu.