#女性历史月:创造奇迹拖把的 Joy Mangano

2018年03月20日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

#女性历史月# #女性企业家# “我很幸运能够成功,但这是一条漫长而富有挑战性的路,所以我努力尝试去让其他女性不必经历我所经历的。” 

身为带着三个孩子的单身母亲,Joy Mangano在自己每天的奋斗中获取灵感,进行发明创造来为全国各地的母亲减负。1990年,她在父亲的汽车店里创造了奇迹拖把,现在美国各地的家庭都在用。到2000年,她的奇迹拖把每年销售额达1000万美元。

"I'm fortunate to have success, but it was a long and challenging road, so I try and make that not be the case for other women." – Joy Mangano

A single mother of three, Joy Mangano took inspiration from her own daily struggles to create inventions to ease the work of mothers across the country. She made the original Miracle Mops in her father’s car shop in 1990. Now, they can be found in American homes from coast to coast. By the year 2000, her company was selling $10 million worth of Miracle Mops per year. 

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