
2018年03月15日 美国星晨旅游

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抵達香港日期Period in HongKong成人價格Package Rate(US$/ Per Person)單房差Single Supplement(US$/ Per Person)續住酒店不含早餐Extra night per room excluding breakfast
02 Jan-28 Feb,2018USD399USD192USD138
01-31 Mar,2018USD437USD224USD159
01-10 Apr,2018USD411USD198USD142
11-30 Apr,2018USD444USD231USD164
01 May-15 Sep,2018USD411USD198USD152
16 Sep-10 Oct,2018USD444USD231USD164
11-31 Oct,2018USD536USD323USD225
01-16 Nov,2018USD444USD231USD164
17 Nov-23 Dec,2018USD411USD198USD142
24-31 Dec,2018USD444USD231USD164


D1:   原居地Q香港 (餐自理) Arrival in Hong Kong (No Meals)

今天乘搭飛機飛往東方之珠-香港,抵達後自行前往B01櫃檯乘坐活力機場穿梭巴士前往酒店入住。餘下時間自行支配。Upon arrival of the Pearl of Orient – Hong Kong, take shuttle bus to the hotel. Free at leisure in the afternoon.
Hotel: 城景國際酒店4*或同級The Cityview 4* or similar

D2:   香港精彩半日遊(餐自理)Hong Kong Island Tour (No Meals)

早上酒店大堂集中,開始精彩紛呈的香港半日遊。先登上香港島的最高峰太平山,太平山風光秀麗,現在是高級住宅區,在山上的觀景臺上可以俯瞰香港,欣賞美麗的維多利亞港景色,再前往著名的淺水灣,淺水灣號稱“天下第一灣”。位於香港島之南,依山傍海,海灣呈新月形,坡緩灘長,波平浪靜,水清沙細,沙灘寬闊潔淨而水淺,且冬暖夏涼,水溫在十六攝氏度至二十七攝氏度之間,歷來是消夏弄潮的勝地。後前往赤柱市場,香港仔漁村遊覽(自費舢板船)。珠寶店觀光之後,餘下時間自由活動或探親。Morning proceed to a city tour in Hong Kong Island (Seat-in-coach), including the famous Victoria Peak, drive by Repulse Bay, Stanley Market, Aberdeen Fishing Village and a jewelry factory. Free for your shopping spree for the rest of the day.
Hotel: 城景國際酒店4*或同級The Cityview 4* or similar

3: 香港-澳門市區觀一日遊-香港(含午餐)Macau City Tour (L)

早上酒店大堂集中,前往香港碼頭乘坐船往澳門。抵達後參觀音蓮花苑,也稱為觀音像,是中葡友好紀念物,位於澳門新口岸孫逸仙大馬路對開的人工島上,它是澳門的標誌性景點。之後參觀澳門塔(門票不含),遊覽媽祖廟, 媽祖廟弘揚拜媽祖的信仰,認為媽祖可保航海順利,帶來好運。參觀大三巴牌坊,大三巴牌坊是澳門最具代表性的名勝古跡,為1580年竣工的聖保祿大教堂的前壁。前往議事亭前地,後遊覽賭場,品味葡國風味自助餐,後乘船返回香港。Meet at hotel lobby and take the ferry to Macau. Upon arrival, proceed for Macau city tour (Seat-in-coach) by visiting Statue of Kum Ium, Macau Tower (Outside visit), A-Ma Temple, St Paul’s Ruins, Senado Square and Casino Visit. Then take the ferry back to Hong Kong.
Hotel: 城景國際酒店4*或同級The Cityview 4* or similar

D4:   香港Q原居地 (餐自理)Departure Hong Kong (No Meals)

乘坐活力機場穿梭巴士自行前往機場,愉快行程到此畫上圓滿句號。Take shuttle bus to airport for homebound flight.

Price Inclusions 行程包含Price Exclusions 行程不含
√  Hotel accommodation (3 nights in 4 hotels); 3晚4星酒店× Int’l or internal airfare /airport tax / fuel surcharge; 機票
√  Transfer service for the itinerary; 交通× China Visa; 簽證
√  Meals of China food as specified in itinerary; 澳門午餐× Travel Insurance(recommended)保險
√  English-speaking tour guide service; 英文或者中文粵語導遊× Tipping USD15/person to the tour guide or the driver; 小費
√  Entry tickets of tourist sites as indicated in itinerary. 行程景點× Single room supplement. 單房差


  1. Hotel rates might be changed during Trade Fair and Special Event period in Hong Kong;

  2. Shuttle Bus Schedule Guideline:
    Arrival Service (Airport-Hotel) available from 07:00AM-23:00PM (Every 30Mins);
    Departure Service (Hotel-Airport) available from 04:50AM-20:50PM (Every 60Min
    Note: Above guideline for reference only and subject to final confirmation upon time of booking.

  3. Child fare (Aged under 12 Years-old):
    1) Sharing one room with one adult: Adult fare1;
    2) Sharing one room with 2 adults with an extra bed (CWB): Adult fare1;
    3) Sharing one room with 2 adults with no extra bed (CNB): Less single supplement amount2;
    4) Infant (Aged under 2 Years-old): 10% Adult Fare1.

  4. Suggested tips USD15/person (Same for adults and children):
    1) Hong Kong half day tour: USD5 per person.
    2) Macau day tour: USD10 per person.







    302 N.Garfield Ave.,#B4 Monterey Park,CA*91754

    Email:[email protected]




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