
2018年02月05日 加拿大留学邵老师


在美国知识分享网站Quora上,有个人提了个问题,到底那些学霸们都是怎样学习的啊,为什么效率那么高看起来那么轻松?!一位学霸分享了自己的best study methods,并且得到了另外1万多学霸的认同,分享给期望提高效率的你们!


Planning and managing your study


Make a timetable; mine was 11 hours for study. It is first step to success.做一个时间表:我以前是学习11个小时。这是迈向成功的第一步。


Humans can concentrate for 40 minutes on a subject, or maximum 1 hour. Do change your study material/subject after every 40 minutes or 1 hour. But later on you can increase this time slowly to 2 hours. I did this.人们可以在一个课题上花费40分钟,或者最多1个小时。在每40分钟或1个小时之后换一下你的学习材料或者科目。但之后你可以慢慢地将这个时间增加到2个小时。我就是这样做的。


Start time table by learning new things, after looking at the last day topics. Later chapters in books mostly have references from former ones. Learning new things at start gives you hope and makes you motivated.回顾昨天的内容,从你的时间表开始,学习新的东西。在书中后面的章节里总是会有许多前些章节的引用。从一开始就学习新的东西,这会给你带来希望和动力。


Don’t start one subject or module after the other; take a break of 5 to ten minutes. In this time eat some chocolate, fruits and vitamins. Do some sit stands and go out to look in nature.不要在另一个科目或模块刚结束时就立即开始新的;可以休息5到10分钟。在这个时间里,吃点巧克力、水果或者维他命。做做运动或者走出去看看大自然。


Study each subject three times a day, design time table such that every subject has 3 shifts per day.一天当中,每门科目学习三次,规划好时间表,比如:每天一门科目要学习3遍。


Take notes in the first shift, and rehearse them in second shift and so on. Notes should not be exact copy of the book text.第一遍的时候,做笔记,第二遍的时候复习,以此类推。笔记不能跟书本上的原文一样。


Re-allocate time for your modules in timetable after every, maximum two weeks. Or take your exams after one week and re-allocate based on the exam results.在每两个周,最多两个周之后,你就要重新分配你每个模块的时间表。或者在一周之后做做测试,根据你的测试结果重新分配。


Exam yourself sometime in the middle of the time table.在时间表的中间,也可以给自己安排个时间来测试。


 Second day, start with looking at the topics of the last day. But never do an exam at the start of study time. Increase difficulty slowly from start to end.在时间表的最后,用额外的时间来回顾一下你当天所第二天,从前一天的内容回顾开始。但是绝对不要学习一开始就立马做个测试。从开始到结束,慢慢增加难度。


Do some statistics on important and less important subjects or difficult and easy subjects and divide time with statistics methods. For example by first assigning the difficulty level to each subject like 40% and 60% etc.先用一些数据分析方法来分析重要的内容、哪些是不太重要的内容、以及难度大的内容和简单的内容,以此来规划时间。比如说,首先通过难易度像40%和60%等等那样来分配每个科目。


If studying something which could be easily implemented in home or lab, don’t miss it. I, when studying biology, had tried to produce a new family of a tree though it was just a try and nothing resulted. I have been programming to simulate the physics concepts which helped a lot.如果有些东西在家或者实验室里就能轻松搞定的话,千万别把它忽略了。就我来说,我攻读生物学的时候,曾经试图组建一个新的树木的科系,尽管最后那就仅仅只是个尝试而已,没有得到任何结论。我一直在编程模拟物理概念,那帮了我很多。


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