我的阅读概要(儿童版2) || The Books that Made Me (C2)

2018年03月22日 伦敦读书会

1. The book I am currently reading. 我正阅读的书

How to Grow a Beanstalk(学校带回来的书)

The Lorax by Dr Suess


2. The book that changed my life 改变我生活的一本书

3. The book that changed the world 我觉得改变世界的一本书
My Little Pony

4. The book I wish I’d written 有那么一本书,我希望是我写的。
Matilda's Cat by Emily Gravett,原因:因为我也叫Emily啊,不过是Emily Huang。

5. The book that influenced my writing 对我的写作影响最大的一本书

6. The book I think is most overrated 我认为被严重高估的一本书
My Little Pony Annual Book,因为我都读不懂它在说什么。

7. The book I think is most underrated 我认为被严重低估的一本书
Numberjacks (annual book),因为我的朋友小时候喜欢,但是现在她不喜欢了。

8. The book that changed my mind 改变我三观(之一)的书

9. The last book that made me cry 最近读的让我流泪的书

10. The last book that made me laugh 最近读的让我大笑的书
I'm not Cute!

11. The book I couldn’t finish 我尝试多次、也读不进去、读不完的书


12. The book I’m most ashamed not to have read 很想读、但特别遗憾还没有读的书

13. The book I most likely give as a gift 我经常作为礼物送人的书
My Little Pony

14. The Children’s book I like the most 我最喜欢的儿童图书?
Toddle Waddle and other Julia Donaldon books
Where's Wally

15. My earliest reading memory 我最早的阅读记忆
Toddle Waddle

16. Name 1-3 books you have read lots of times. 

You Choose / Just Imagine,
Where's Wally。

注:Emily H,5岁,英国某小学学前班学生



[email protected]

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