我们嚼的泡泡糖做成过什么啊 —— Maurizio Savini

2018年03月24日 FOX国际艺术


Maurizio Savini

泡泡糖和口香糖作为我们日常食用的休闲放松的零食,在咀嚼后我们通常都会作为垃圾吐出。 甚至会造成路面墙体的破坏与污染,但是意大利雕塑家 Maurizio Savini 却运用这种废弃物做出了意想不到的雕塑。对于Maurizio Savini而言,泡泡糖并不仅仅是一种食物,更是一种艺术的存在,也是他艺术的一种呈现载体,他用泡泡糖做出了不同于其他常规雕塑作品的材质与肌理,具有鲜明的个人特色与风格,更是一种特殊的存在。

Italian sculptor Maurizio Savini has turned chewing gum into an art form, shaping pounds of the sticky stuff into satirical and politically-engaged works.


Two assistants soften the pounds of pink, stretchy bubble gum Italian sculptor Maurizio Savini fashions into elephants, bison, and gravity-defying businessmen, but—lucky for them—they don't have to chew it. In Savini's opinion, bubble gum, "is more versatile material compared to those used by the 'traditional' arts, such as painting," says one of his assistants, Academia di Belle Arti student Riikka Vainio. Her job involves melting bricks of raw gum into malleable sheets (though in the past, the assistant unwrapped and melted hundreds of individual sticks) using a hair dryer-like tool called an industrial phon, which Savini carves with a razor-sharp scalpel into bright pink commentaries on consumerism.

I Like America, 2007, 225x300x 150 cm

elefante, 2015, fiberglass chewing gum, wood, 43x39 x36 cm

Turtle, 2015, fiberglass chewing gum, wood, 43x39x22 cm

"Our life is characterized by a constant dialogue between our self and 'consumption.' Consumption as biological waste, of ourselves and others, but also the trivial destruction of products," Savini explains. Originally, his sculptures would consume themselves, as the gum's sugar degraded the plaster frames beneath. Now, he preserves the sculptures with a scientifically-researched mixture of antibiotics and formaldehyde, a move in the opposite direction of gum artists like Dan Colen, who rejoice in the medium's lack of structure (and use already-been-chewed stuff). He continues, "By gaining awareness of the inevitability of this degenerative process, I find the justification of death."

He says chewing gum has a unique cultural context. It is connected to art history, industry and world history, and is a loaded symbol for Savini.When Savini began making his chewing gum sculptures, he has the misfortune of several pieces disintegrating. He now combines the gum with formaldehyde and anti-biotics to preserve it, so the high sugar content doesn’t destroy the pieces.





Fox International Art


Fox International Art(狐狸国际艺术)是中国唯一一家把海外艺术教育与产品设计开发结合为一体的创作空间。旗下设有: Fox International Art College (狐狸国际艺术学院-作品集创作)、 Fox产品开发基地、Fox设计师经纪公司、Fox展览馆、Fox综合材料商店和Fox图书馆等多个部门。核心团队由英国伦敦中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院、美国帕森斯设计学院、英国皇家艺术学院等海归设计师、艺术家以及海内外的专家教授在2010年于伦敦和北京共同创立。



Fox各个部门的设计师团队与优秀学员,无论是背景还是专业能力都是业界首屈一指,与众多知名一线品牌、著名博物馆合作过,大英博物馆、V&A博物馆、德国国立宝石博物馆、Guicci、Cartier、Alexander McQueen、 施华洛世奇、Gareth Pugh、 John Galliano、Dior、Alexander Wang、Giles Deacon、陈奕迅、余文乐等。


Fox International Art



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