介绍一个高大上的网站 www.ehc.nsw.gov.au

2015年05月08日 悉尼建房顾问

今天给大家介绍一个我2年多前用过,后来没理会,现在发现瞬间高大上了很多的网站EHC, www.ehc.nsw.gov.au


The Electronic Housing Code (EHC) project is focused on thedevelopment of an online system for the electronic lodgement of complying developmentapplications under the NSW Housing Code for lots 200m2 and above. This systemwill also allow the user to determine if they are able to proceed with theirdevelopment without further approvals, as an exempt development.


The ElectronicHousing Code has been built primarily for local industry professionals, such asproject home builders, planners, developers and architects. However it is alsoable to be used by the local community within the participating localgovernment areas.

关于覆盖的local government areas

This system, launchedby the Minister for Planning & Environment on the 28th October 2011, iscurrently operational in 71 local government areas. A further 50 Councils areexpected to be live on the system before the end of June 2015.



第二步开始进入到正题Use the EHC

第三步选择Local Government Area

第四步Identify your site 之后就开始慢慢研究吧。


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