
2018年09月18日 美国驻华大使馆


“我们的政府和美国军方希望美国和印太地区所有国家及人民将更密切地合作,来保护本地区的健康、安全和稳定。” 2018年9月17日,西安,负责卫生就绪政策与监管的代理助理国防部长帮办泰里∙M∙罗什博士在由美国和中国共同主办的2018年亚太军事医学年会致开幕词http://www.xinhuanet.com/world/2018-09/17/c_129955209.htm

“It is the hope of our government and the United States military that the United States and all the nations and people of the Indo-Pacific will work together more closely to protect the health, safety, security and stability of the region,” said Dr. Terry M. Rauch, the acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Readiness Policy and Oversight, opening remarks of the 2018 Asia Pacific Military Health Exchange co-hosted by the United States and China, Xi’an, September 17, 2018

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