联合国总部(United Nations Headquarters)
纽约州纽约市(New York, New York)
我要对黑利大使(Ambassador Haley)在联合国反毒工作中的出色领导作用表示深深的感谢,同时还有我们了不起的国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)给予的竭诚努力,他做了绝对卓越的工作,还有约翰·博尔顿(John Bolton)大使。多谢你们。
正如2018年《世界毒品问题报告》(World Drug Report)所指出,可卡因和鸦片产量达到最高纪录——难以置信——而毒品导致的全球死亡人数从2000年到2015年上升了60%。也就是说,在15年里,它上升了60%,这极其可怕。
今天在座的许多国家也在采取果敢行动。新当选的哥伦比亚总统杜克(President Duque)以反毒品作为竞选纲领,并且赢得非常、非常可观的成功。祝贺你。
我们期待着与他的新政府合作,在哥伦比亚根除古柯生产。 我们大家必须为瓦解毒品生产和战胜吸毒问题一道努力。
为此,上个月,美国宣布了“对世界毒品问题采取行动的全球呼吁”(Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem)。这项呼吁简单明了:减少毒品需求;切断非法毒品供应;扩大治疗;加强国际合作。如果我们共同采取这些步骤,我们就能挽救全球四面八方无数人的生命。我所说的无数,涉及千百万人。
东部夏令时间上午 8时39分
Remarks by President Trump at “Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem” Event
United Nations Headquarters
New York, New York
8:35 A.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for being here this morning. It is a great honor to address you on an issue that affects every nation across the globe: the world drug problem. And a big problem it is.
The scourge of drug addiction continues to claim too many lives in the United States and in nations around the world. Today, we commit to fighting the drug epidemic together.
I want to express my deep gratitude to Ambassador Haley for her outstanding leadership in counter-narcotics at the United Nations, along with the dedicated work of our great Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who’s done an absolutely fantastic job, and Ambassador John Bolton. Thank you very much.
We also thank the Secretary-General for joining us at our special guest — and as our special guest. He’s become a great friend, and he’s doing a wonderful job at a very, very complex situation, but a beautiful situation. And I’ve always said the United Nations has tremendous potential, and that potential is being met. Slowly but surely, it’s being met.
We are likewise grateful to our 31 co-host countries. Each of you is taking critical steps to combat the global drug problem.
As the 2018 World Drug Report highlights, cocaine and opium production have hit record highs — incredibly — and global deaths caused by drug use have increased by 60 percent from the year 2000 to 2015. So, in 15 years, it gone up 60 percent, which is absolutely terrible.
As we know, illicit drugs are linked to organized crime, illegal financial flows, corruption, and terrorism. It’s vital for public health and national security that we fight drug addiction and stop all forms of trafficking and smuggling that provide the financial lifeblood for vicious transnational cartels.
In the United States, we’re taking aggressive action, securing our border, supporting law enforcement, devoting record funding to the opioid crisis, and promoting treatment and recovery.
Many nations here today are also taking bold action. Newly elected President Duque, Colombia, campaigned on an anti-drug platform, and won a very, very impressive victory. Congratulations.
We look forward to partnering with his new administration to eradicate coca production in his country. All of us must work together to dismantle drug production and defeat drug addiction.
For this reason, last month, the United States announced a “Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem.” The call is simple: reduce drug demand; cut off the supply of illicit drugs; expand treatment; and strengthen international cooperation. If we take these steps together, we can save the lives of countless people in all corners of the world. And when I say countless, I’m talking about millions and millions of people.
I’m thrilled that every country in the room today has agreed to answer our call, and I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to this important initiative.
The United States looks forward to working with you to strengthen our communities, protect our families, and deliver a drug-free future for all of our children.
Thank you very much. And thank you for being here. We appreciate it. Thank you. (Applause.)
8:39 A.M. EDT