据最新消息,2014年9月10日,移民部长Scott Morrisons先生宣布将禁止显赫投资者签证SIV申请人使用可以贷款的投资,打击了一些签证申请人的投机行为,防止出现以前加拿大申请人只用利息办理移民的情况。 其实反贷模式本身就是一种投机取巧的行为,不符合澳洲政府制定这一政策吸引投资的初衷,被禁止也是理所当然的。 近期,移民局将逐步公布SIV审查细化方案,我们也将密切关注未来的细节。 已投资这类产品的申请人如果需要帮助,可以和我们联系,我们会给出合理化建议,避免将来888签证出现问题。 以下是澳洲最大金融时报【Financial Review】报道新闻的英文原文。 Immigration to crack down on Asian investor rort Cashed-up foreign investors will no longer be able to recycle their investment funds to secure a fast-tracked residency visa, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison has promised. There are concerns the significant investor visa scheme – which requires foreigners to invest a minimum of $5 million for four years – is being rorted by Asian investors to shift funds out of the country after a visa is granted. Mr Morrison flagged changes to the investor rules that would require investments to remain “unencumbered” or without a debt against them, for the entire four years of the visas. Investment banks, such as Macquarie Group and Credit Suisse, offer foreign investors the option of borrowing against the value of their fund’s investment for other business opportunities, other than investment in residential property. Macquarie Bank allows foreign investors to borrow up to 100 per cent against the value of their investment through the scheme and Credit Suisse offers significant foreign investors a margin lending facility to be used toward other purposes such as direct property investment in Australia. Mr Morrison said $1.35 billion has been invested via the significant investor visa scheme and 271 residency visas granted, over the past year. By the end of July another 602 people had applied for visas and promised to invest $3 billion. But some of that money is leaving the country through loans before the four-year visa period elapsed. The significant investor scheme was introduced by Labor government to attract foreign investors who are expected to make a genuine investment commitment. Mr Morrison told the National Press Club on Wednesday the government was still committed to ensuring the significant investor visa scheme reached its “full potential” but flagged the rules will soon be tightened after an immigration department review in March. “The Prime Minister and Minister [Michaelia] Cash will have more to say about our response in the weeks ahead,” Mr Morrison said. “However, I specifically wish to flag today that I will be supporting proposals to prevent the recycling of investment funds used to qualify for the scheme, by requiring complying investments to remain unencumbered for the entire duration of their provisional visa” Significant-investor visa holders – 90 per cent are from China – cannot invest directly in property but they are free to invest in the sector via managed funds or private companies that are property developers. But the Chinese government has a $US50,000 ($55,000) limit on Chinese nationals taking money out of the country. In July, China’s state broadcaster accused the Bank of China of money laundering using the significant investor scheme. Nearly $150 million has been invested in the property market by cashed-up Chinese investors via the significant-investor visa scheme, although the immigration department admits it does not know the true extent of foreign investment in property. 请持续关注本微信平台,我们将为您带来更多澳洲500万签证咨询。 更多更新SIV签证资讯,请持续关注本资讯报道。原创作品,转载请说明出处。 如果你觉得不错,就分享给你的朋友们吧! 点击最上方的蓝色字体澳洲500万投资移民签证资讯一键关注! Address:Level 34, 259 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Email:[email protected] Tel:+61 2 9247 8688