除了上诉案例外,近期,在新西兰饱受争议的另一个案例是:来自南非的61岁的伊丽莎白•里本伯格(Elizabeth Liebenberg)移民申请案。在2009年,伊丽莎白在她女儿的担保下抵达新西兰,并以家庭团聚方式递交了“新西兰永久居民身份”(绿卡)的申请。此前,伊丽莎白的身体状况还算良好。 但是,去年8月,她被诊断出患有:肺炎,限制性肺病、中度主动脉狭窄、高血压,等一系列的疾患。
在伊丽莎白被确诊患病后,新西兰移民局拒签了她的“绿卡”申请。据此,新西兰移民官,罗斯•米克(Ruth Meek)解释道:伊丽莎白的心脏问题是影响她移民资格的关键。因为,她的心脏问题很可能为新西兰的卫生系统带来沉重的财务负担,也就是说,或许,新西兰的健康服务机构为她支付的成本将远大于她可能带给新西兰的贡献。 流汗
Medicalconditions deemed to impose significant costs and/or demands on New Zealand'shealth and/or education services
HIV infection
Hepatitis B-surface antigen positive and meeting criteria for anti-viral treatment in New Zealand
Hepatitis C-RNA positive and meeting criteria for anti-viral treatment in New Zealand
Malignancies of organs, skin (such as melanoma) and haematopoietic tissue, including past history of, or currently under treatment. Exceptions are:
treated minor skin malignancies
malignancies where the interval since treatment is such that the probability of recurrence is <10 percent.
Requirement for organ transplants (with the exclusion of corneal grafts), or following organ transplant when immune suppression is required (with the exclusion of corneal grafts)
Severe, chronic or progressive renal or hepatic disorders
Musculoskeletal diseases or disorders such as osteoarthritis with a high probability of surgery in the next five years
Severe, chronic or progressive neurological disorders, including but not exclusive to:
any dementia including Alzheimer's disease
poorly controlled epilepsy
complex seizure disorder
cerebrovascular disease
cerebral palsy
paraplegia, quadriplegia
Parkinson’s disease
motor neurone disease, Huntington’s disease, muscular dystrophy
prion disease
relapsing and/or progressive multiple sclerosis
Cardiac diseases, including but not exclusive to:
severe ischaemic heart disease,
valve disease with a high probability of surgical and/or other procedural intervention in the next five years
aortic aneurysm with a high probability of surgical and/or other procedural intervention in the next five years
Chronic respiratory disease, including but not exclusive to:
severe and/or progressive restrictive (including interstitial) lung disease
severe and/or progressive obstructive lung disease
cystic fibrosis
Significant or disabling hereditary disorders, including but not exclusive to:
hereditary anaemias and coagulation disorders
primary immuno-deficiencies
Gaucher’s disease
Severe autoimmune disease which may require treatment in New Zealand with immune-suppressant medications other than Prednisone, Methotrexate, Azathioprine or Salazopyrine
Severe (71-90 decibels) hearing loss or profound bilateral sensori-neural hearing loss after best possible correction at country of origin, where significant support is required, including cochlear implants
Severe vision impairment with visual acuity of 6/36 or beyond after best possible correction at country of origin, or a loss restricting the field of vision to 15-20 degrees where significant support is required
Severe developmental disorders or severe cognitive impairments where significant support is required, including but not exclusive to:
physical disability
intellectual disability
autistic spectrum disorders
brain injury.
Major psychiatric illness and/or addiction including any psychiatric condition that has required hospitalisation and/or where significant support is required
Those with a history, diagnostic findings or treatment for MDR-TB or XDR-TB, unless they have been cleared by a New Zealand Respiratory or Infectious Diseases specialist upon review of their file or review of the applicant according to the New Zealand Guidelines for Tuberculosis Treatment
1)申请人提供的材料不真实( 一定要提供真实的签证材料,否则,即便一时蒙混过关,但是,一旦被查出?一定会遭到驱逐的命运。 );