
2014年11月04日 指南針新西蘭留學移民

Chefapplications under China Special Work Category 中国特殊人才类别下的厨师申请

Because the demand for places for Chinese chefs under the China Special Work Category exceeds the number of places available, special processes have been put in place for the lodgement of these applications.


Submitting an application

All applications for Chinese chefs under the China Special Work Category should be lodged directly with the INZ Shanghai Branch only, at:

Immigration New Zealand,
2503, Henderson Building
300 Nanjing East Road,
Shanghai, PRC.

Applications for Chinese chefs under the China Special Work Category should not be submitted to:

  • New Zealand Visa Application Centres in China or Hong Kong

  • the INZ Beijing Branch

  • the INZ Hong Kong Branch.

Other applications under the China Special Work Category (for Mandarin teacher aides, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, Wushu coaches and Chinese tour guides) should be submitted to the appropriate New Zealand Visa Application Centre in China .



中国上海南京东路 300
恒基名人商务大厦 2503


  • 中国大陆或香港的新西兰签证申请中心;或

  • 新西兰移民局北京办事处;或

  • 新西兰移民局香港办事处.


Paying application fees by post or at a branch

The application fee is 1,410 CNY.

The fee for postal applications can only be paid by USD bank draft.

The fee for applications submitted at the branch can only be paid by cash or by USD bank draft.

Bank drafts should be made out to: Immigration New Zealand.

Please make a separate payment each application, so that we can provide individual receipts.

Bank drafts for multiple applications will not be accepted.


申请费为 1,410 元人民币。



申请费应以支票方式支付,其抬头为: “Immigration New Zealand”



Other fees

There is a mandatory courier fee for each application lodged.

  • International: RMB 200, US$30

  • Domestic: RMB 50

If you pay by bank draft you must also pay a bank fee of RMB 80 or US$10.



  • 国际的:人民币 200元,30 美元

  • 国内的:人民币 50

银行手续费(仅在以银行汇票支付时适用:人民币 80 元或 10美元。

Lodging your application

There are currently no places available under this quota. The next quota release of 33 places will be on Monday 15 April 2013.

In the interests of fairness, a special process has been established for the lodgement of these applications:

  1. Five immigration officers will be assigned to lodge all 33 applications.

  2. Each application will be time and date stamped.

  3. The lodgements officer will check the application documentation to ensure that all mandatory lodgement requirements are met.

  4. Applications will not be accepted if these requirements are not met.

  5. Only one application per person, (or from the mail bag), will be taken at a time and lodged by one of the five immigration officers.

  6. Once the application has been lodged, the applicant or their representative will be given a receipt.

  7. Each of the five immigration officers will complete lodgement of the first batch of five applications at the same time and then restart the same process with the next five until all 33 places are filled.




  • 指定五名签证官审理所有 33 份申请

  • 每份申请将盖上时间和日期标记。

  • 审理官员将审核申请材料,确保符合所有强制性递交要求。

  • 如果不符合这些要求,申请将不予受理。

  • 每个人(或每个邮包)一次仅限提交一份申请,将由五位签证官中的其中一位进行审理。

  • 递交申请后,申请人或其代理人将收到一份回执。

  • 五名签证官各自同时审理第一批申请(五份),审理完成后,再重新启动相同的流程,即审理第二批申请(五份),直至所有配额满额为止。

The following documentation is required for each application.

Mandatory requirements:

  • completed Work Visa Application for China Skilled Work Policies (INZ 1158) PDF [573KB]

  • original valid passport

  • offer of employment

  • full contract of employment, including job description

  • Chinese Occupational Skills Testing

  • Authority Certificate Level 3 in Traditional Cuisine

  • police certificates,including local Chinese PCC

  • full medical certificates.

Supporting documents:

  • Supplementary Application Form for Chinese Visitors, Students and Workers PDF [737KB]

  • evidence of relevant work experience

  • evidence of employment history to present date

  • notarised birth certificate

  • notarised kinship certificate

  • notarised marriage certificate, if applicable

  • Hukou book.



  • 写完整的中国技术人才工作签证申请表 (INZ 1158) PDF [573KB]

  • 有效护照原件

  • 工作录用通知

  • 完整的雇佣合同,包括工作描述

  • 中国职业技能测试机构颁发的中式厨师 3 级证书

  • 无犯罪记录证明(包括中国当地开具的 PCC(清白纪录)证明)

  • 完整的体格检查表.


  • 补充申请表 - 适用于中国公民访问、工作及学生申请 PDF [737KB]

  • 相关工作经验证明

  • 迄今为止的工作经历证明

  • 公证的出生证明

  • 经公证的出生证明

  • 经公证的亲属关系证明

  • 经公证的婚姻证明(若适用)

  • 户口本。

Further information

See our Chef Applications under China Special Work Category questions and answers.


Chefapplications under China Special Work Instructions questions and answers 中国特殊人才类别下的中国厨师申请--常见问题与答案

Wednesday, 3April 2013

When can I submit my application as a Chinese chef under the China Special Work Category?

Applications can be lodged from 9:00 am Monday 15 April 2013.

Note: Once 33 complete applications have been received, no further applications for Chinese chefs under this Category can be lodged until further places in the quota are made available in October 2013.




Do I need to pay a facilitation fee?

No. Because your application will be lodged directly with Immigration New Zealand (INZ) Shanghai Branch, you are not required to pay a facilitation fee.



Do I need to pay a courier fee?

Yes. All applicants must pay a courier fee.

The courier fees are:

  • RMB 50 Domestic

  • RMB 200 or USD 30 International (if sending in the application from outside China).



  • 人民币50,国内快递

  • 人民币200元或30美金,国际快递 (适用于境外寄送的申请)

I am an immigration agent working on behalf of several applicants – can I submit their applications as a group?

No. To ensure that there is equitable access to places under the policy, you will need to submit applications separately, with individual payments for each application. Refer to the fee payments section above.



If some of the 33 applications that are accepted are eventually declined, will there be another opportunity to lodge an application to take an available place?

Yes, but these places will not become available until October 2013.



There are 200 places for Chinese chefs under the China Special Work policy. Why are only 33 places being made available?

All 200 places for Chinese chefs were filled between October 2008 and September 2011. Further places are currently being released in batches of 33 in order to manage demand.



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