英女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth)今日(5月27日 周三)发布了卡梅伦政府未来一年的施政纲要,英国首相卡梅伦(David Cameron)将退出欧盟公投优先提上立法议程。
My Lords and members of the House of Commons.
My government will legislate in the interests ofeveryone in our country. It will adopt aone nation approach, helping working people get on, supporting aspiration,giving new opportunities to the most disadvantaged and bringing different partsof our country together.
My government will continue with its long-termplan to provide economic stabilityand security at every stage of life. They will continue the work of bringingthe public finances under control and reducing the deficit, so Britain liveswithin its means. Measures will be introduced to raise the productive potentialof the economy and increase living standards.
Legislation will be brought forward to helpachieve full employment and provide more people with the security of a job. Newduties will require my ministers to report annually on job creation andapprenticeships. Measures will alsobe introduced to reduce regulation on small businesses so they can create jobs.
Legislation will be brought forward to ensurepeople working 30 hours a week on the National Minimum Wage do not pay incometax, and to ensure there are no rises in Income Tax rates, Value Added Tax or National Insurance for thenext 5 years.
Measures will be brought forward to help workingpeople by greatly increasing the provision of free childcare.
Legislation will be introduced to support homeownership and give housing associationtenants the chance to own their own home.
Measures will be introduced to increase energysecurity and to control immigration. My government will bring forwardlegislation to reform trade unions and to protect essential public servicesagainst strikes.
To give new opportunities to the mostdisadvantaged, my government will expand the Troubled Families programme andcontinue to reform welfare, with legislation encouraging employment by cappingbenefits and requiring young people to earn or learn.
Legislationwill be brought forward to improve schools and give every child the best startin life, with new powers to take over failing and coasting schools and createmore academies.
In England, my government will secure the futureof the National Health Service byimplementing the National Health Service’s own 5 year plan, by increasing thehealth budget, integrating healthcare and social care, and ensuring theNational Health Service works on a 7 day basis. Measures will be introduced toimprove access to general practitionersand to mental healthcare.
Measures will also be brought forward to securethe real value of the basic State Pension, so that more people live in dignityand security in retirement. Measures will be brought forward to increase therights of victims of crime.
To bring different parts of our country together,my government will work to bring about a balanced economic recovery.Legislation will be introduced to provide for the devolution of powers tocities with elected metro mayors, helping to build a northern powerhouse.
My government will continue to legislate forhigh-speed rail links between the different parts of the country.
My government will also bring forward legislationto secure a strong and lasting constitutional settlement, devolving wide-ranging powers to Scotland and Wales.Legislation will be taken forward giving effect to the Stormont House Agreementin Northern Ireland.
My government will continue to work in cooperationwith the devolved administrations on the basis of mutual respect.
My government will bring forward changes to thestanding orders of the House of Commons. These changes will create fairerprocedures to ensure that decisions affecting England, or England and Wales,can be taken only with the consent of the majority of Members of Parliament representing constituencies inthose parts of our United Kingdom.
My government will renegotiate the UnitedKingdom’s relationship with the European Union and pursue reform of theEuropean Union for the benefit of all member states.
Alongside this, early legislation will beintroduced to provide for an in-out referendum on membership of the EuropeanUnion before the end of 2017.
Measures will also be brought forward to promotesocial cohesion and protect people by tackling extremism. New legislation will modernise the law on communicationsdata, improve the law on policing and criminal justice, and ban the newgeneration of psychoactive drugs.
My government will bring forward proposals for aBritish Bill of Rights.
Members of the House of Commons.
Estimates for the public services will be laidbefore you.
My Lords and members of the House of Commons
My government will continue to play a leading rolein global affairs, using its presence all over the world to re-engage with andtackle the major international security, economic andhumanitarian challenges.
My ministers will remain at the forefront of theNATO alliance and of international efforts to degrade and ultimately defeatterrorism in the Middle East.
The United Kingdom will continue to seek a political settlement in Syria, and will offerfurther support to the Iraqi government’s programme for political reform andnational reconciliation.
My government will maintain pressure on Russia torespect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and will insist on the fullimplementation of the Minsk agreements.
My government looks forward to an enhancedpartnership with India and China.
Prince Philip and I look forward to our statevisit to Germany next month and to our state visit to Malta in November, alongside the Commonwealth Headsof Government Meeting. We also look forward to welcoming His Excellency thePresident of The People’s Republic of China and Madame Peng on a state visit inOctober.
My government will seek effective global collaboration to sustain economicrecovery and to combat climate change, including at the climate changeconference in Paris later this year.
My government will undertake a full strategicdefence and security review, and do whatever is necessary to ensure that our courageous armed forces cankeep Britain safe.
My government will work to reduce the threat fromnuclear weapons, cyber attacks and terrorism.
Other measures will be laid before you.
My Lords and members of the House of Commons
I pray that the blessing of almighty God may restupon your counsels.