目前新西兰移民局已经顺利的从池里选出了300个名额的投资二类EOI。但是随着投资二类的热度和持续上涨的申请人数, 这种方法不再是可持续的了。从11月27号起,移民局会根据分数的高低从池中选择EOI直到300个名额全部被选中。EOI的选择会在每两周的周三开始,届时选中的申请数量,分数等都会在移民局网站发布。
Change to selection process for Investor 2 applications
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Until recently, Immigration New Zealand (INZ) has been able to select all Expressions of Interest (EOI) from the Investor 2 category pool in order to fulfil the existing cap of 300 application approvals. However, because of growing interest and increased numbers of EOIs in this category, this approach is no longer sustainable.
Clarification to immigration instructions come into effect on 27 November to reflect that only the highest scoring applications will be selected from the pool in order to fulfil the existing application approval cap. The pool draw will continue to take place every second Wednesday and pool draw details, including the number of EOIs and points range selected, will continue to be published in the Latest News section of the INZ website.
Change to bonus points for Entrepreneur Work Visas Tuesday, November 18, 2014
From 27 November 2014 there will be a change under the Entrepreneur Work Visa (EWV) Category bonus points for potential new businesses.
Businesses proposing to locate in Auckland will no longer be able to claim 20 bonus points on the basis of having been granted formal support from a local agency, e.g. a business development agency, local council or Chamber of Commerce.Businesses will still be able to claim 20 bonus points for being based outside of Auckland.
This change has been made to promote regional development,by allowing only potential businesses in EWV applications based outside Auckland to be granted 20 bonus points.