Ø Course structure:
3 hours x 2 classes = 6 hours
Ø Classes are held on Saturdays, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Ø Course fee: $295.00
Ø Course contents
1. Sound of Korean Language
2. Self-Introduction
3. Meeting someone for the first time
4. Numbers, names of days and months
5. Talking about the weather
6. Asking for someone’s phone number
7. At shops – Japanese currency / Describing things / Buying things
Ø This course is suitable for people who want to learn Koran for the first time. The class will mainly focus on words and phrases which are useful in everyday life. Our native Korean speaker tutor will encourage you to speak Korean in the class as much as possible by doing exercises in group during the class. The class will be taught in English and Korean. No need to have prior knowledge of Korean language. The attendees will have the Q&A time at the end of the class. Handouts will be provided.
*Please note that the class time and date might be rearranged in the accordance with the number of the attendees.
Welcome to phone us to get more information:09 9734579
Ø 课程安排
3 小时 x 2 节课 = 6 小时
Ø 每周六9:30到12:30上课.
Ø 学费: $295.00
Ø 课程内容
1. 韩语的发音
2. 自我介绍
3. 与他人初次见面的会话
4. 数字,年月日
5. 如何谈论天气和气象
6. 如何向他人询问联系方式
Ø 本课程适合第一次学习韩语的人群。本课程将主要集中在日常生活中的非常有用的单次和词组的学习。我们的韩国本土导师会鼓励你说韩语,尽可能的在课堂上做分组练习。本课程将采用英语和韩语的双语教学。不需要有韩语的基础。每堂课的结尾导师将安排与学生的问答时间。将提供讲义。
欢迎来电咨询:09 9734579