
2014年06月02日 新西兰留学置业咨询

援引NZ Herald消息不同专业的学生,毕业后的薪酬状况有何不同?教育部最新发布的高等教育调查报告显示,在所有学科中,医学和药学专业的学生“钱途”最为看好,创意艺术类学科学生则最穷。





  高等教育部长Steven Joyce说,这一调查数字,或许能帮助学生们更好的决定自己的职业路径。“不少实用类学科的学位,例如工程类、药学类和医学类,都拥有非常好的‘钱景’,如果你是Year10或Year11的年轻学生,在看到这些数字后,你大概会想,我最好还是老老实实学好科学和数学。”



  然而,Steven Joyce却否认政府此举意在引导学生流向某些特定学科,而且,那些所谓“政府引导学科”,例如科学、技术、工程和数学等,尽管已经占去了院校经费的大头,但仍然一直存有资金不足的状况。



以下是NZ Herald英文报道

Salary range reveals best courses for students

How much graduates in different fields of study can expect to earn has been revealed - and the Government says it should make school students stick with science and mathematics.

The Ministry of Education report on the outcomes of tertiary study is completed to add to the information available for those deciding what to study. It also helps the Government assess the value it gets for the billions of dollars invested in the tertiary sector each year.

The report - which looked at a period up to the end of the 2012 tax year - found that earnings varied considerably by field of study.

The top choices in terms of median earnings for young bachelors graduates five years after leaving study are medical studies ($110,300), pharmacy ($73,000), and radiography ($70,400).

At the other end, graduates in creative arts brought in median earnings of $42,900.

Tertiary Education Minister Steven Joyce said the figures should help young people choose a career.

"Some of the applied degrees - engineering, pharmacy and medicine - are still attracting very significant premiums.

"If you are a young person, perhaps at year 10 and 11, and looking at this sort of data you'd probably be saying, 'I'd better stay with my science and maths'."

This year's Budget will lower tertiary tuition fees for science, agriculture and some health science courses. The Government has previously incentivised engineering courses.

Last year the University of Auckland arts faculty warned the nation could lose an "informed and thoughtful citizenry" if the benefits of an arts degree continued to be marginalised, with academics arguing the Government was playing favourites.

However, Mr Joyce denied that was an attempt to push students into certain courses, and said some of the so-called "Stem" subjects - science, technology, engineering and maths - had historically been underfunded, despite costing institutions more to run.

Overall, yesterday's report found that earnings increase with the level of qualification completed, with a jump in earnings between those with at least a degree and those without.

For example, five years after finishing study, the median earnings of young people with a bachelor degree is 46 per cent above the national median earnings for those aged 15 to 64 years.

Employment rates were also found to increase with the level of qualification gained, and very few young people with a qualification at diploma level or above went on to receive a benefit in the first seven years after study.

It did not look at the cost of qualifications, which can vary significantly.

For example, completing a bachelor of medicine at the University of Auckland takes six years at a rough cost of $76,000 in tuition fees (based on 2014 fees).

A bachelor of arts takes half as long at around $18,600 in tuition fees.

Increases in average wages have started to get back to pre-recession rates for the population as a whole, but the report found earnings have not moved to the same extent for young graduates and in some cases have dropped in real terms.

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