以下是一个英国的朋友35 Paul Stowe (保罗 斯通)五年前交流的时候,写下的:
I felt that I had a good understanding of what it means to be English, and what England was like in comparison with other country’s.
However when I tried to put all of this into words I found it quite difficult. For that reason I have tried to tell this story mainly in pictures.
I hope by using pictures, we can cross any language barrier we may have, and you will recognise the topic, the subject and the difference with your own cultures.
What – What is England?英格兰是什么?
People that are thought to come from England sometimes refer to their home in many different ways:人们对于从英国人的家园有很多种不同的理解:
The UK英国
United Kingdom联合王国
Great Britain大不列颠
England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland?英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰
And people may say that they are:并且人们也许会觉得:
British 不列颠人
Welsh, Scottish, Irish or even European!威尔士人、苏格兰人、爱尔兰人甚至是欧洲人
So where exactly are all these places?所以到底这些是哪里?
Are they all the Same? 他们是否是相同?
What Is Culture?什么是文化?
Culture is a much overused word – especially when discussing China! All westerners discuss the differences between China and the rest of the world in terms of culture.
But what is culture?
I am sure there are many books on the subject that give great explanations about the word, what it means and how it is created – here is my explanation!
Culture is like a large mixing pot, inside it you place all of the ingredients of life. The quantity’s of each ingredient are what make subtle or large differences in cultures.
The ingredients for a basic culture are the same, however every country adds some extra special ingredients which give them a very different result.
For me the base ingredients are the following:-
1. War – this has a profound impact on a country’s identity, is social, political, and financial evolution.
2.Religion– normally associated with the above. This can also determine peoples attitude, diversity and development.
3.Climate – hot, temperate and cold climates have distinctly different cultures due to climatic changes, and or historic climatic conditions.
4.Innovation – this can have a major effect on culture, and is can be seen in many historic cultures. E.g. Egyptians, Romans, Industrial Revolution etc.
5.Natural Resources – this includes food, fuel, water, arable land, typography and a country’s location to the sea or major river.
These 5 aspects (I believe) make up the majority of a nations culture, the differences depend on how much of each ingredient you put in at any one time – because we must not forget that cultures can, and do change over many years – in the past it has taken a long time for cultures to develop and change. But in a world where communication, travel and language is readily available and no longer a barrier between country’s and nations, culture is changing rapidly – not always for the better!
The five principles of culture I have identified, make up the bulk of my presentation. You will see that normally one aspect cannot act independently. Each one has an interaction with the others.
For Example if we take war, Many wars are started because of the other factors, in English history, war has been one of the major cultural ingredients, throughout its long history England has been at war almost continually, and over many things including Religion, Natural Resource and Innovation.
Part 1 – English History
第一章 –英国历史
½ million Years Ago - The first people migrate from Europe to Britain
9000 Years Ago - Britain is cut-off from Europe due to rising sea levels
5000 Years Ago - Stone Henge is built
2000 Years Ago - Julies Caesar Invades Britain
He Stays 400 Years then - The Romans leave Britain
1200 Years Ago - Vikings Invade Britain
1000 Years Ago - Westminster Abbey is completed.
Work also starts on Canterbury Cathedral
900 Years Ago - Work starts on The Tower of London
900 Years Ago - Oxford University is founded
700 Years Ago - The Black Death kills half of the British population
500 Years Ago - King Henry VIII forms the “Church of England”
450 Years Ago - First performance for a play by William Shakespeare.
400 Years Ago - The Union Jack is established as the country’s flag.
450年前-the Union Jack被作为英国国旗
350 Years Ago - The great plague kills 100000 people in London.
300 Years Ago - The first Prime Minister of Britain (Sir Robert Walpole)
250 Years Ago - America declares independence from Britain.
230 Years Ago - Industrial Revolution Begins.
220 Years Ago - First convict ship sails for Australia.
150 Years Ago – The height of the British Empire.
180 Years Ago - Worlds first railway opens in England
145 years Ago - London underground opens.
130 years Ago - Alexander Bell Invents the Telephone.
130年前-亚历山大 贝尔发明电话
92 Years Ago - Start of World War 1
67 Years Ago - Start of World War 2
54 Years Ago - The current Queen (Queen Elizabeth II) comes to the throne.
40 Years Ago - England win the football World Cup.
27 Years Ago - Margaret Thatcher becomes the first women prime minister.
27年前-第一位女首相 玛格丽特 撒切尔就职
15 Years Ago - Sir Tim Berners Lee invents the World Wide Web.
15年前-提姆 伯尔尼发明世界范围网络(3W)
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