针对奥克兰居民住宅房的投资者,银行的贷款比例从原来的20% 提高到30%。
1. 此次中央储备银行的政策,只针对于奥克兰地区的房地产市场
2. 此次中央储备银行的政策,只针对于居民住宅房的投资者
3. 此次中央储备银行的政策,首付的贷款比例增加到30%
4. 任何非自住房屋的房贷都算投资类别贷款。
LVR Restrictions
In response to thegrowing housing market risk in Auckland, the Reserve Bank is today announcingproposed changes to the loan-to-value ratio (LVR) policy. The policy changes,proposed to take effect from 1 October, will:
· Require residential property investors in the Auckland Councilarea using bank loans to have a deposit of at least 30 percent.
· Increase the existing speed limit for high LVR borrowing outsideof Auckland from 10 to 15 percent, to reflect the more subdued housing marketconditions outside of Auckland.
· Retain the existing 10 percent speed limit for loans toowner-occupiers in Auckland at LVRs of greater than 80 percent.
“We are proposingthese adjustments to the LVR policy to more directly target investor activityin the Auckland region, where house prices relative to incomes and rent are farmore elevated than elsewhere in New Zealand.
“The objective of thispolicy is to promote financial stability by reducing the rate of increase inAuckland house prices, and to improve the resilience of the banking system to apotential downturn in the Auckland housing market.”
“Following a lengthy consultation process, we have decided that a residential property investor loan will be defined as any retail mortgage secured on a residential property that is not owner-occupied.”
The new assetclass will take effect from 1 October 2015 for new lending, with a furtherphase-in period of nine months for the reclassification of existing loans.