
2015年02月27日 新西兰房产商铺销售咨询

2月27日: 据新西兰统计局发布的数据显示,20151月份来新旅游的游客数量比去年同期增加了3% 302,400).

人口统计主管Vina Cullum:“来自澳洲的度假者,探亲者和商务旅行人员是该增长的主要来源。相比之下,由于今年春节比去年晚一些,来自中国的旅客数量比去年一月数量有所减少。





截止到20151月,年净移入人数为53,800,比20141月份有显著增长,涨幅为25,700。这是净移入人数连续第6个月突破年度纪录。新的年度纪录的增长主要是由于进入新西兰人数增加(111,500)的同时,外出人数减少导致的。新西兰最大的净移入人数最多的国家是印度(10800人,其中有9100人是通过学生签证。其他的净移入人数最多的国家分别是中国(7588 以及 615 来自香港、英国(5072 、菲律宾(3753、法国(2726)以及德国(2608)

预计净移入人口数会继续增加, Westpack银行高级经济师Felix Delbruck表示,银行经济学家预计净移入人口会增加到大约每年60,000人次。他说这意味着新西兰人口将会继续保持增加,会带来更多的零售业营业额的增长以及对于房源数量的需求。

来自:Authorised by Liz MacPherson, Government Statistician

Australia drives record visitor arrivals

International Travel and Migration: January 2015–Media Release

Visitor arrivals to New Zealand were up 3 percent in January 2015 (302,400), compared with January 2014, Statistics New Zealand said today.

"Arrivals from Australia drove the increase in visitor numbers, with more holidaymakers, people visiting friends and relatives, and business travellers," population statistics manager Vina Cullum said. "In comparison, the number of visitors arriving from China fell relative to January last year because of a change in timing of the Chinese New Year."

Australia, our biggest source of visitors, also contributed the biggest annual increase in visitors, up 31,100 to 1.26 million in the January 2015 year. China, the United States, and the United Kingdom were our next biggest sources of visitors in the January 2015 year.

New Zealand-resident travellers departed on 133,800 overseas trips in January 2015, up 5 percent from January 2014. The biggest increases were in departures to the United States (up 1,700) and Fiji (up 1,400). The annual increase was 4 percent, with New Zealand residents taking 2.28 million overseas trips in the January 2015 year, mostly to Australia (1.09 million trips).

Net inflow of migrants increases to a new peak in January

New Zealand had a seasonally adjusted net gain (more arrivals than departures) of 5,500 migrants in January 2015. This was a new all-time high, surpassing the October 2014 peak of 5,200. This was the third time in the last six months that the previous record net gain of migrants (4,700 in February 2003) has been surpassed.

The annual net gain of migrants in the January 2015 year (53,800) was up significantly on the January 2014 year (25,700). This was the sixth month in a row that the annual record for a net gain of migrants has been broken. The new annual record was driven by both more arrivals (with a new high of 111,500) and fewer departures.

New Zealand's biggest net gain of migrants in the January 2015 year was from India (10,800). Most of the 12,000 migrants arriving from India came on student visas (9,100). The other biggest net gains in migrants were from China (7,600), the United Kingdom (5,100), and the Philippines (3,800).

Authorised by Liz MacPherson, Government Statistician, 26 February 2015

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