
2015年07月01日 新西兰东龙留学移民


1. Friday the 13th is a bad day. 13号星期五不吉利(黑色星期五)

2. Bird pooing on you is good luck. 鸟粪掉身上是走运的象征

3. A black cat crossing your path is considered bad luck. 路遇黑猫意味不详

4. Atchoo (bless you) 有人打喷嚏(要对他说上帝保佑你)

5. Crossing your fingers to wish for good luck 交叉手指期盼好运

6. Never take the third light from a match, it's bad luck. 不能用同一根火柴点3次火

7. Walking underneath a ladder is widely held to be bad luck. 从梯子下走不吉利

8. Broken mirror will result in seven years bad luck. 破碎的镜子意味着之后7年的厄运

9. Carrots help you see in the dark. 胡萝卜有助于提高夜视能力

10. Spilling salt is a bad omen. 盐洒出来是不吉利的


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