1. 询问他人是否需要帮助
Would you like me to ……?
Shall I ……?
May I offer you ……?
I'd be happy to (do sth).
2. 接受他人好意
Thank you. / Thank you very much.
Thank you very much, it’s very kind of you ……
3. 回绝他人好意
No, thank you. I can manage.
No, thank you. I’m fine (good).
Thank you for asking, but …….
I’m afraid ……
(ex. I’m afraid I have to say “no".)
4. 请求他人的帮助
Could you please …….?
Would you ……? / Can you ……?
Could I possibly ……? / Is it all right if I ……?
Would you mind ……? / Do you mind if I ……?
ex. A: Would you mind if I had some water? B: No, please goahead.)
5. 答应帮助他人
Yes, of course. / Yes, that's fine.
Certainly. / Absolutely.
By all means.
6. 拒绝帮助他人
No, I'm sorry. / Sorry, but ……
I'm afraid not. / I'm afraid + 原因
Well, the problem is + 原因
7. 提出建议
I would suggest/recommend/propose …….
May I suggest …… / I wonder if I might suggest that ……
If I were you, I would ……
Perhaps we/they/I/you could ……
What would you say to ……
8. 表达意见
I think ……. / I believe …… / I suppose ……
In my opinion, …… / In my view, …….
From my viewpoint, ……. / From my point of view, ……. / From myperspective, …….
According to me, …… / It seems to me that……
To be honest, ……. / To tell you the truth, …… / To be frank,……
As far as I am concerned, ……. / To my mind, ……
9. 对他人意见表示认同
I agree. / I couldn't agree more.
Exactly. / That is precisely the point.
I think we are in agreement on that ……
We wholly endorse the view that ……. / We concur with the view that ……
10. 对他人意见表示不认同
With respect, I do not agree. / With all due respect, I must disagree.
I'm afraid, ……
I beg to differ on the point of ……
I agree up to point, but …… / To a certain extent I agree,but ……
11. 向他人道谢
Thank you. / Thank you very much.
I can't thank you enough.
You're too kind. / Thank you kindly.
12. 向他人致歉
I'm (so) sorry. / My apologies.
I do apologize for ……
Excuse me for ……
(除了口语的不好意思,Excuse me也可以用的非常正式
Ex. Excuse me for leaving early. 抱歉我得先走)
I beg your pardon, ……
(I beg your pardon除了请他人重复所说的话外,也有极正式的用法
Ex. I beg your pardon, I didn't mean to interrupt. 抱歉,我不是故意打扰的)
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