Some people argue that younger people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while others think it is a good idea. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
As people face different challenges in life, they grow and learn from their experiences in a way that helps to face the uncertainties of the future. Younger generations bring new ideas and help to shape the direction society going forward. These ideas bring about the question of experience versus youth and a current debate regarding whether or not young people should be allowed to hold important governmental positions. It is my belief that a mix of young and old is needed and I will discuss both sides of the argument before giving my opinion in the following essay.
On the one hand, experience is a helpful tool for decision-making. Overcoming problems and difficulties helps people to acquire a base of knowledge that can be used to deal with issues as they arise. Naturally, the older a person gets, the larger the bank of knowledge becomes, and the more adversity they can deal with. Younger people often have not fully developed a solid foundation of experience, and consequentially, they are less equipped to deal with problems as they arise.
On the other hand, youth brings new ideas to the table. The world is constantly evolving with advancements in technology and globalization. Young adults are typically more in touch with modern views through increased opportunities to experience different cultures. They are also more technologically sophisticated, using computers, phones, tablets and the vast capabilities of varying software choices to accomplish more than what was thought possible only years ago. Given the new political issues that arise, and the need to adapt, younger generations may be more equipped to handle the current dilemmas facing society. For instance, climate change, global warming and sustainability are new political issues that need to be addressed, and experience may not be the best way to face them.
In considering both sides of the debate, I believe we need a mix of young and old people within governments. There is seldom a single solution to every political problem that suits the needs of every person. The current political climate requires bipartisanship to address the views of all factions of society and age is no different. We need people from both sides of the spectrum, young or old, conservative or liberal, in order to shape the world going forward.
In conclusion, experience and youth both bring different strengths that can help to make the best possible decisions. Whilst experience can be helpful in drawing from wisdom gained in the past, youth can also bring creativity to a stagnant political scene, and both are necessary to build a better world.
墨尔本无忧雅思写作批改系统 -- 【无忧级】名师范文
Hello, my name is Cameron and I am a writing and speaking tutor and marker for 51 IELTS. Despite being a native English speaker from the US, I had to take the IELTS exam, in order to earn extra points on my visa application, after graduating from the University of Melbourne with a Master in Accounting. Having achieved an overall band score of 9 and earning a spot on the Dean’s Honours List in my studies, I understand the importance of written and spoken communication, whether it is for study, work or everyday life. My goal is to help you improve your English language skills, by focusing on writing style, essay structure, vocabulary and fluency, so that you can get the score you want and even improve your day-to-day life.
【雅思口语预测 ★★ - 2014/07/26】
7月19日的口语考试与无忧小雅哥预测的没有任何差异,没有任何新题出现,被考查的话题主要集中在something you want to share with others; something you’ve bought but not used often, comic star in your country, a positive experience, a foreign country you want to visit, describe your smart phone, describe a sports event you enjoyed watching, an intelligent person, A time you went to a crowded place, a school you attended in your childhood, a flower you like,之前有好好准备过《墨尔本无忧雅思口语机经2014冬季版》的同学们这次有福了。
此外,无忧小雅哥温馨提醒:根据最近三场考试的情况来看,官方现在出题的范围更广了。之前口语考官会在10~15个Part 2话题中做出选择,现在一场考试的口语话题数都接近15~20个,因此同学们必须放弃投机取巧的心理,认认真真的准备每一个口语话题。
【写作预测 ★★★ - 2014/07/26】
7月19日A类小作文具体考查的是把车上的旧电池Recycle成新电池和Other Products,据不少考生反应,此次的流程图步骤比较多,不太容易读懂题,不知道从哪一个步骤先入手写起,因此难度也自然提升不少。
总体上来说,7月26日的A类小作文回归常规题型是板上钉钉的事儿,烤鸭们还是应该重点关注Line graph, Bar chart,以及Table等单图型常规题型!~当然,无忧小雅哥还是要提醒各位烤鸭小伙伴们,预测不是神,只是为各位考生们在茫茫题海中尽可能的缩小范围,有时间呢还是瞄一眼,毕竟雅思官方出题还是有一定的规律可依的!
Task 1 题型预测如下:
Line graph 30% | Bar chart 30% | Table 20% | Pie chart 20%
7月19日的A类大作文考了社会现象及发展类,该题曾今在2008年3月29日出现过,因此属于彻彻底底的老题冲出江湖!~ 7月19日的大作文的具体题目回忆如下:Some people believe governments should make people go on a diet and others believe it is individuals responsibility to diet or stay healthy. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
7月19日A类大作文的范文,墨尔本无忧雅思将于本周在官方微博及微信平台上公布,烤鸭小伙伴们可以参考!~还没有加灭雅神器的同学们赶紧微信添加 mel51ielts,最专业的雅思微信平台,里面有无数雅思资源供你参考!~
从题型的方面来看,7月19日连续考查了discuss both views and give your opinion的题型,在上期的预测中,无忧小雅哥曾今提出需要提防此题型的连续出现,果然,今年的雅思注定不按常理出牌!~ 就7月19日的考题来举例分析,同学们需要先从政府的方面论证,比如政府能够掌握更多的数据从而提供guidance保证人民的饮食健康;然后再阐述为什么保持饮食的健康是个人的责任,比如每个人可以根据自身不同的身体状况来选择正确的饮食习惯及口味,从而保证自己的身体健康。当然,同学们可以同意任意一方的观点,也可以平衡式的认为两方面的观点都有道理,总之自圆其说就好。
针对于7月26日的A类大作文,小伙伴们还是应该重点关注“Do you agree or disagree“这类题型!~此外,常规题型“Causes & Solution”, “Reason & Effects”的题型也不能忽略!~
从2014年澳大利亚考区已经进行的22场考试情况来看,无忧小雅哥判断,2014年7月26日的考试,A类同学们应该重点关注. 社会现象及发展类,政府投资类,教育类,也需要适当关注科技类。
Task 2 题型预测如下:
社会现象及发展类30% | 政府投资类30% | 教育类20% | 科技类 20%
G类 7月26日无G类测试
【阅读预测 ★★★ – 2014/07/26】
P1 = New,游戏与儿童:介绍了游戏对于小孩子的影响,9个填空 + 4个T/F/NG
P2 = New ,蚂蚁的领导者:讲述了4个科学家的研究关于蚂蚁是不是有领导者,5个Matching + 多选(9选4)+ 4个T/F/NG
P3 = New,含氟的水对孩子的好处以及政府该不该在水中添加氟,5个单选 + 4个T/F/NG + 5个完成句子加框
【听力预测 ★★★ – 2014/07/26】
2014年7月19号的听力考试为2新2旧的模式, 2个旧题均在无忧小雅哥的一级预测中哦,有看的小伙伴们有福啦!
S1 = New,找寻兼职工作:一共有4个part-time选择,比如保安和货车司机, 10个填空
S2 = New,Green Coffee Beans的生产过程级特点,6个流程图选词填空 + 4个Matching
S3 = V120428S3,一个男生和一个女生关于生物学讲座的准备状况, 10个填空,完整准确的答案收录于《雅思听力机经》无忧小雅哥在一级预测中命中原题!
S4 = V120225S4,关于interactive learning的讲座, 2个多选(5选2)+ 6个单选, 完整准确的答案收录于《雅思听力机经》无忧小雅哥在一级预测中命中原题!
题型方面:填空题的数量依然达到20题,本场考试中的section 3属于今年较为简单的一次。选择类型的题目出现在section 4,对于大部分考生来说还是有一定难度的。值得注意的是section 2中出现的流程图选词填空的题型,该类型的题型在今年考试中已经不是第一次出现了,然后在剑桥上并没有此类题型可以练习。无忧小雅哥建议大家在做这个题型时,可以参照Matching题的做法。
无忧小雅哥想要提醒烤鸭们,听力机经只是非常好的材料帮助大家去熟悉高频考点词,单纯依靠机经背诵答案的方法不可取。同时,很多学员也反映速度高跟不上,无忧小雅哥建议大家在平时练习的过程中一定要调快听力速度(1.25 – 1.3倍为佳)。
无忧小雅哥大胆预测,7月26号的考试应该还是会以旧题为主,难度应该会比7月19号稍低一些。题型方面还是会遵循填空 + 选择 + matching的模式。