
2015年01月15日 英国华威大学

A national survey has uncovered the British universities which produce the highest-paid graduates. Here are the top 15 institutions and the average salaries of graduates within five years of leaving:

1 London Business School: £69,000

2 University of Oxford: £54,000

3 Warwick Business School: £53,000

4 University of Cambridge: £52,500

5 Cass Business School: £50,500

6 London School of Economics and Political Science: £50,000

7 University of Sheffield: £49,000

8 University of Edinburgh: £48,500

9 Imperial College London: £47,000

10 University of Birmingham: £46,500

11 University of London: £45,500

12 Durham University: £45,000

13 University of Bath: £43,500

14 Aston University: £43,000

15 University of Warwick: £42,500

(Source: Emolument Alumni)

华威大学University of Warwick


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