中国西南美国商会“2015月满金秋赏月会”于9月18日晚在重庆东原 ▪ 湖山樾湖滨会所成功举办!On September 18th, 2015 AmCham Mid-Autumn Day Celebration was successfully held at Dongyuan· Paradise Park Club Chongqing.本次“2015月满金秋赏月会”联谊了来自领馆和外资企业圈层的朋友们。“赏月会”上,200多位来自各行各业的嘉宾们穿旗袍,观舞狮,猜灯谜,看川剧变脸,体验了纯正的中国传统文化并品尝到了由重庆富力凯悦酒店所提供的精致美食及各式小吃、水果。The Mid-Autumn Day Celebration attracted over 200 friends from both foreign consulates and international enterprises community and offered excellent F&B supported by Hyatt Regency Chongqing, a range of Chinese traditional arts, entertainment, lucky draw prizes and the opportunity for our distinguished guests to experience culture exchange.此次“2015金秋赏月会”还举行了美商会重庆2015美国独立日慈善庆典赞助商授牌仪式,西南美国商会重庆执行理事会会长,百力通(重庆)发动机有限公司总经理翁光铃先生为赞助商们授牌,感谢赞助商们对我们一如既往的支持!During the celebration, AmCham Chongqing Organizing Committee Chairman, GM of Briggs & Stratton (CQ), Mr. Glenn Weng gave awards to sponsors of AmCham CQ 2015 American Independence Day Celebration for their big support!赏月会尾声的“最佳着装奖”的颁布更是让在场的朋友感受到了中国传统服饰优雅的东方韵味与浓浓的节日气氛。The release of the best dressed awards (Mr. & Ms.) made our guests feel the thick atmosphere of the Mid Autumn Festival and the beauty of Chinese traditional costume.最佳着装奖从左往右(left to right):陈世杨先生、皮飞霞女士、刘秫熔女士最最后,我们衷心地感谢中国西南美商会会员及朋友们的参与!同时,感谢此次活动的赞助商,东原湖山樾的大力支持!In the end, we sincerely appreciate AmCham members and friends and our sponsor Dongyuan Paradise Park for your consistent support!