S1: Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Teachers,famers, doctors.
I think teachers make the biggest contribution to society. If you’re thinking of it from the base level of young children,four and five year-olds who have not yet entered school, how do they eventually become doctors? How do theybecome business leaders and scientists and writers and chefs and engineers? They have to be taught! They notonly have to be taught the specifics of their field when they’re old enough, but they have to be taught generalinformation throughout their childhood to even get them to the point of having a career. No matter what a personeventually contributes to society, there’s a good chance that at some point in their life they were inspired andtaught by a teacher!
S2: Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must have a job that youlove doing.
I kind of agree with this. I don’t think you have to do a job that you love in order to stay happy. I mean, it is possiblefor a person to be happy even if he or she is doing something that’s not completely enjoyable. If you’re a strugglingsculptor, for instance, who is working at a grocery store to be able to pay your rent, I don’t think that’s a reason tobe unhappy! Sometimes you need to take any job you can; there’s no shame in that. Just continue to work on yoursculptures on the weekends and never give up on your passion. Keep it alive. And maybe someday you will findsteady work as a sculptor. It’s completely possible!
人人公共主页:Go America