2015.10.10 A类 Task 2 范文
Some people think there is now no need to see live performance (a show or a concert) because what we can see from TV or computer screens is better. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
With the development of technology, many forms of entertainment have transformed, bringing about debates on whether it is better to skip live performances in favour of watching them on the television or computer. I completely disagree with the notion of skipping events in person, as live events offer a shared connection and atmosphere not experienced at home.
Firstly, attending a concert in person allows people to connect with others watching the same show. A person can sing along and dance at home just the same as they can at a concert, and they may even do so with other friends. However, attending a live concert puts a person in close proximity to thousands of other people enjoying the same event. It goes without saying that a concert venue offers more seating than a living room, but I have personally experienced the sense of awe that comes from attending a concert where 10,000 people are singing and dancing to the same song. This was the case when I attended a Jack Johnson performance at the Sydney Opera House forecourt.
【正文第一段的第一句提出了这一段的topic sentence: 去现场看音乐会可以和其它一起看音乐会的人连接起来。一个人可以在音乐会上唱歌跳舞,同样他也可以一个人在家唱歌跳舞,但是参加一个现场的音乐会让他和其它上千的观众更近。最后用自己亲身在悉尼歌剧院观看Jack Johnson表演的实例,说明一起和10, 000个人一起跳舞一起唱同一首歌让作者心里生出一股敬畏感,这是在家里看电视电脑所感受不到的。这段中,类似于sense of awe, puts a person in close proximity to 这些高质量的词正是部分烤鸭们所欠缺的~】
Going one step further, watching events at home may offer insight that live performances cannot give. While cameras and recording devices may catch most of the sights and sounds of an event, even offering replays, not everything can be captured. One instance of this is from college football games in America, where student bodies have chants, songs and rituals that simply do not get shown during a broadcast. Many would not know to jiggle their keys before certain plays, chant and point after certain results or do push-ups after certain scores, had they not previously attended a game.
Considering the arguments above, while watching events on television or with the computer can offer entertainment value in its own right, there is a sense of connection and inclusiveness that only comes from attending events live with other people.