Today, American Afterschool Academy held our first of two Open House Events. Parents and children came to experience an American learning environment. Children attended demonstration classes that helped to improve their English listening and speaking skills, taught by native language teachers. While students attended free demonstration classes, parents were able to attend an informationalsession lead by the Principal about the American Afterschool Academy learning experience and school philosophy. After the classes and informational session, both students and parents enjoyed a musical performance, and guest appearances from Garfield and Kung Fu Panda!
American Afterschool Academy will be holding the second Open House Event tomorrow, Sunday, March 30th 13:30. Come and join us for a fun, education filled afternoon at American Afterschool Academy!
Please call 5282-6868 or 400-805-8585 for more information. We can be found at: #668 Golden Avenue, Gubei Area ( Near Yinzhu Rd )
美加学校今天举办了首次的开放日及免费试听课程,家长与孩子们共同在学校体验了全美语的学习环境。学龄前到6年级的孩子在外教老师和中籍双语助教生动有趣的带领下,使用各式辅助道具学习了英语听力及口说训练。家长们也没闲着,在美加最大的教室-- 哥伦比亚大学教室参与了由美加学校校长-荆老师主讲的演说,和家长们进行深度的互动,探讨中国教育目前遭遇的问题、以及美加的教育宗旨:教育不只是考试,而是为孩子一生的幸福奠基。活动最后,由外籍学生带来精彩的吉他与歌唱表演,在欢笑声中与可爱的功夫熊猫、和加菲猫的伴舞助兴下,结束了今天精彩的试听与娱乐演出。
明天下午1:30还有一场开放日及免费试听体验活动,别再错过!预约电话:5282-6868 或400-805-8585 校址:古北区黄金城道步行街668号(银珠路口)