阅读预测 ★★★ 2014/04/05
S1 = V120630S1,Chinese chariot:中国古代战车,介绍有关中国兵马俑兵车的构造,题型有:4个T/F/NG + 6个填空+ 3个简答,完整准确的答案收录于《雅思阅读机经》
S2 =V120630S2,Chimpanzee:黑猩猩研究,讨论黑猩猩和人类的区别,题型有:6个Contain information + 4个单选 + 3个填空
S3 = V120630S3,Leicester的新剧院:介绍英国的一个新型剧院,题型有:4个单选 + 6个Summary + list +4个 T/F/NG
本场考试涵盖的题型较多,填空(9道),T/F/NG(8道),单选(8道),和Contain information(6道)这4个题型平分秋色。summary + list真的来了,还有6题之多,这场中的这个题型也是很难定位,无忧小雅哥想要再次提醒烤鸭们,不要在这个题型上过多停留,先将该拿到分的细节题都做好才是王道!
无忧小雅哥大胆预测,4月5号的考试应该是2旧1新或者1旧2新。难度会比3月15号稍高,题型方面应该会出现高频的T/F/NG,contain information,matching 之外,填空类的题型数量还是不会少的,相比summary + list,更容易出现的反而是complete sentence + list哦!
Tidal power in Britain 英国潮汐能 | Biology of bitterness 苦涩的生物 | When the Tulip Bubble burst 郁金香泡沫 |
Rainwater harvesting 斯里兰卡水箱 | Western immigration of Canada 加拿大西迁 | European heart wave 欧洲高温 |
We hold an opinion on language 语言的态度 | Communication in science 与科学界交流 | Refrigerator 冰箱 |
Antarctica – in from the cold? 南极洲和气候 | Copy your neighbor 蝴蝶颜色模仿 | Memory and age 记忆力与年龄 |
Build a Medieval castle 建造城堡 | Mammoth kill 猛犸象灭绝 | The persuaders 劝导营销 |
Origin of species & continent formation 物种起源 | company innovation 公司革新2 | Longaeva: ancient bristlecone pine 古松树 |
Can we hold back the Flood? 防洪 | The last March of the Emperor penguins 帝企鹅的征程 | Children’s literature 儿童文学 |
London swaying footbridge 伦敦晃桥 | How to achieve happiness 如何取得幸福 | Eco-resort management practices 澳洲旅游岛 |
Overdosing on nothing 顺势治疗法 | Tackling hunger in Msekeni 马拉维饥饿 | We’ve got allergies all wrong ‘过敏’密探 |
Giants fall in Americas 消失的巨兽 | The research for intelligence 智力研究 | Does an IQ test prove creativity? 智商测试 |
Density and crowding 拥挤的人口 | Activities for children 儿童锻炼 | Multitasking debate: can you do them at the same time? 多重任务 |