- Not carrying adriver'slicense: $ 214
忘记带驾照,罚款$214 ( 原来$35 )
- After 10 dayswithout achange of address to notify DMV: $ 214
变更地址超过10天通知DMV罚款$214 (原来没有罚款)
- Driving without insurance causeanaccident: $ 796 and license suspended for 4 years
出车祸没有保险,罚款$796,并吊销驾照4年 (这个够狠!)
- Beyond the red lights: $ 533
红灯不停,右转弯红灯不停罚金一样, $533 (原来是这个价格的一半不到)
- Crossing two gold stripes(doublesolid lane): $ 425
穿越双黄线$425 (妈妈咪呀,以后可得小心了。)
- Turn and U-Turn ban in place ormiddleof road: $ 284
违规转弯或掉头$ 284 (不知道这个数字是怎么来的。)
- The speed (from 1-15 miles): $ 224
超速1-15迈,罚金$ 224,通常来说超10迈才会给罚单
- The speed (from 16 to 25 miles):$338
超速16-25迈,罚金$ 338
- Driving too slow: $ 328
注意了,开的太慢也要吃罚单的,还不少呢,$328 (这个应该,尤其是对压抑中年妇女 )
- Donot full stop at Stop Sign: $ 284
Stop Sign没有完全停住$284
- Passingthrough the bus when the lights are flashing: $ 675
穿越闪灯的校车$ 675 (这个好像应该)
- Holding and using the phone handset while driving (1st time): $ 160
开车打电话第一次要$ 160 ,电话在手里也要罚!
- Parking place for buses: $ 976
停在大巴位置罚金$ 976 (让我们都来憎恨大巴 )
- Do not open the lamp when it is coming up (30 minutes):$382
开汽车大探照灯超30分钟$ 382
- Cover car door: $ 178
- Failing to wear seat belt: $ 160
未系安全带$ 160
- Children not wearing seat belts or in accordance with: $ 436
小孩没有系安全带或者没有儿童座椅$ 436
- Wear your hearing in both ears covered: $ 178
开车两耳戴耳机$ 178
- Car pool violation
$401 (个人认为,这个罚的应该!)