
2015年06月10日 加拿大地梵设计集团


设计团队: Igor Kozulkov, Dmitry Belyakovich, Alexander Shipilov

地址: 意大利,米兰


2015年米兰世博会,白俄罗斯共和国将致力于发扬其农业产业和动力。这座名为“ 生命之轮 ”的展馆展示并发扬了白俄罗斯最主要的自然资源:食物、盐与水资源。该设计的外形为一座长满青草的小山。山丘从中间划破,形成主要的通道。通道穿过整个建筑物,就如一条小溪流经这一景观。同时,一个大型的水轮竖立在建筑物中,成为整个建筑物的动态标志。弧形的小丘下面的展厅展示了农业问题以及白俄罗斯将来的战略。



Theme: "The Wheel of Life"

The Concept

At Expo Milano 2015, the Republic of Belarus is looking to promote its industries of agriculture and dynamics. Visitors will experience a number of different projects that explore its food security and the high quality of its water.

for its participation in expo milan 2015, the republic of belarus presents a pavilion titled, ‘wheel of life’, which represents and promotes the country’s primary natural resources: bread, salt, and water. the design is organized as a constructed grassy hill, with a slice cutting through the center producing the primary pathway. this circulation through the landscape resembles a river passing through the landscape, while a large water wheel is elevated above to serve as a dynamic symbol for the structure. galleries beneath the curving forms present content aimed at agricultural issues and the country’s strategies for the future.

at the center, a large elevated water wheel creates a waterfall at the ground level, which directs circulation to either of the galleries. the main area features an arrangement of diverse salts as well information displayed on interactive monitors and LCD screens. on the other side of the pathway, a secondary presentation space is dedicated to the history, culture, and traditions of belarus. it will host various themed exhibitions throughout the event’s six month lifetime. back of house and private rooms are located on the upper floor.

the constructed landscape structure is composed of a wood frame, with skylights scattered throughout the surface providing daylight to the interiors. the continuity of the terrain allows visitors to walk upon the grassy hills.the exhibition areas are complemented by an open seating area providing an area for eating and relaxation, and featuring a spring of potable water. visitors have the opportunity to taste belarusian drinks and dishes.



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