
2016年01月07日 美国驻华大使馆


有些初选仅限于已登记注册自己与当地选举官员有政治党派隶属关系的选民。这些被称为“封闭式”初选。例如,在一个封闭式的初选中,只有注册的共和党人才可以投票选择共和党的总统候选人。 “开放式”初选则让任何登记的选民投票,无论隶属哪个党派。封闭或开放式初选各有哪些优势?


#US-Primaries – Open or Closed Primary?

Some primaries are restricted to voters who have registered their political party affiliations with their local election officials. These are called ‘closed’ primaries. For example, in a closed primary, only registered Republicans can to vote to select the Republican candidate for president. ‘Open’ primaries allow any registered voter to cast a ballot regardless of party affiliation. What are the advantages of a closed or open primary?

For more information, please see link (Chn): http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/pamphlet/2013/05/20130506146853.html#axzz3ulVTTLOO



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