Inspiring youth and realizing dreams — New Year ’ s Gala of SCCS Primary School
共享元旦欢乐,同唱中加梦想。2016 新年来临之际,合肥高新中加学校师生、家长欢聚一堂,于12 月30 日下午在学校大礼堂隆重举行2016 年元旦文艺汇演。
SCCS Primary School students, teachers and parents gathered together to celebrate the coming of New Year with wonderful performance on December 30th, 2015 in the school auditorium.
Ten students from broadcasting club were emcees of the gala. They were Wang Ziyou, Huang Xianyi, Duan mufanghao, Wang Yibo, Zhang Yiyi, Dong Lingrui, Xu Haoran, Wang Ruoxi, Zhang Wuwei, and Gao Hanrui.
在舞蹈社团 28 位同学的开场舞《盛世花开》的喜庆气氛中,元旦汇演正式拉开了序幕。小学部教师、家长与学生同台演出,汇演的节目形式丰富多样,手语、乐器演奏、民族舞、街舞、现代舞、诗朗诵、沙画、武术、合唱、歌曲串烧、舞蹈串烧等应有尽有,完美凸现了我校艺术教育特色。
The gala began with warming dance performed by twenty-eight students from dance club. Teachers of primary school performed on the same stage with students and parents. There were various forms of programs which included music instrument playing, folk dance, street dance, modern dance, poem reciting, sand painting, martial arts, chorus, songs and dances. They demonstrated the characters of our school ’ s art education.
齐老师独唱《芦花》充满了民族风情,悠扬动听的歌声在大礼堂里婉转回荡; G6 李欣隆同学表演的沙画变化莫测,带给观众无限美好的艺术享受。 G1-1 陆笑涵、 G4 陈淑玥、 G2 沈菲儿和爸爸带来的歌曲串烧, G1-1 、 G1-2 、 G1-3 、 G2 、 G3 学生的舞蹈串烧引来台下掌声不断,掌声与喝彩声汇聚成欢乐的海洋。
Our teache r Ms. Qi sang the song “Reed catkins”which was characterized by a strong ethnic style. Her beautiful voice resounded in the auditorium. Li Xinlong brought the performance o f sand painting which gave aud ience many surprises. Lu Xiaohan from G1-1, Chen Shuyue from G4 as well as Shen Feier from G2 and her father sang songs. Students from G1-1, G1-2, G1-3, G2, and G3 performed dances. They all won warm applause. The auditorium was bathed in cheers and applause.
Liu Xinyuan from G4 and his father brought poem reciting “When I was young”which was quite touching. Zhu Yangyi and his mother recited the poem “Mother’s words”which showed us the deep emotions between mother and son.G5 and G6 students recited poem “Young China”. Their inspiring voices reflected their patriotism.
The gala ended with poem“The redwood” recited by teaching staff of SCCS Primary School.
这是一场丰富的文化艺术盛宴,师生共同演绎了一曲“激扬少年, 圆梦中加”的和谐乐章。此次元旦汇演不仅表现了合肥高新中加小学全体师生积极向上的精神风貌,也表现出中加师生有追求梦想的决心,更有实现梦想的信心。
The New Year’s Gala is a cultural and artistic banquet. Our teachers and students have good cooperation in writing the chapter of concord“Inspiring youth and realizing dreams”. This gala doesn’t only demonstrate our students ’inspirations, but also our determination to pursue dreams and confidence in realizing them.