5 uses of Manuka Honey that might surprise you

2016年03月18日 新西兰好健康

Manuka honey has been used in New Zealand for hundreds of years because of its incredible anti-bacterial and healing properties.  It has many different uses.  Here are 5 uses of Manuka honey that you might not have thought.
1. Nappy Rash
Manuka honey's healing properties make it a great natural way to treat nappy rash.   It can also be used externally on cuts, burns, wounds and ulcers to assist with the healing process.
2. Bloating and digestive problems
Manuka honey can help reduce inflammation from digestive disorders, relieving abdominal discomfort and bloating. It contains a natural pre-biotic, which is important for nurturing the gut’s good bacteria, and can therefore help the digestive system rebalance itself naturally.

3. Boosts energy
Pure Manuka honey is ideal to give you a buzz when you're feeling tired. It’s high nutrient density makes it a great natural energy booster.

4. Enhances skin
Manuka honey has beauty benefits, too.  Manuka Honey is the perfect natural alternative for curing acne and skin infections. It's also a natural moisturiser that improves skin hydration because it's able to absorb moisture directly from the air and draw it into the skin.  It’s perfect to use as a regular face mask or even put it in your bath water to moisturise your skin.

5. Combat side effects of pollution
Breathing in polluted air can cause free radical damage to your body which can lead to poor health.  Manuka honey has antioxidant properties that can help fight againt free radical damage and increase vitality and immunity.   Manuka honey also has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that make for an ideal treatment for a sore throat too.
How to use Manuka honey
· Manuka honey can be applied topically to the skin as a balm for skin infections, bites and cuts.
·Take a spoonful orally to help soothe the throat and digestive tract or add to tea or warm water.
·Eat is as you would any other honey product to maintain general health.
Good Health New Zealand Manuka Honey is a premium quality UMF® certified Manuka honey, gathered from wild Manuka flowers grown in remote regions throughout New Zealand.  Manuka Honey has long been valued for its unique properties and smooth, delicious taste.
好健康麦卢卡蜂蜜是一种优质拥有UMF®证书的麦卢卡蜂蜜,采自于偏远地区的野生麦卢卡花 。麦卢卡蜂蜜美味和其独特抗菌性长期被重视着。

Available in 2 different types – UMF® 5+ Manuka Honey and UMF®10+ Manuka Honey
2种型号可选:UMF® 5+ 麦卢卡蜂蜜  和UMF®10+ 麦卢卡蜂蜜
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