很多留学生都面临同样的dilemma,内心很想交老外朋友,但是总是感觉跟老外聊天时容易陷入僵局。在尴尬的情况下,哪些是ice - breaking 的topics呢?
Funny & Interesting Topics:
First time any of you broke the law?
Favorite childhood memories?
What surprising skills does she have?
Favorite complement?
How is she a rebel?
Time travel?
What event has changed her life destiny?
Oddest job ever?
Any embarrassing guilty pleasures?
Most hated chore on the chore list?
Greatest achievement?
Most memorable birthday?
Future honeymoon destination?
Recent life changes?
What would you do if you won the lottery?
What’s your theory on deja vu?
What level of school was your preferred one?
Worst date ever?
What gets you excited?
First life memory?
What outfit makes you feel the most sexiest or confident?
Do you have a fetish?
Favorite food?
Best gift you ever gave/or got from someone?
What is the one cleaning tip you swear by?
Do you believe in fate?
Tequila story?
How would you like to be remembered when you are dead and gone?
How do people often misunderstand you?
Your ideas for a perfect night out
Ideal vacation length?
Last time you lost your temper?
Most embarrassing moment?
What stresses you the most?
Three main goals in life?
Five things you can’t live without.
Which movie/book are you ashamed to admit you love?
What is the one book you think everyone should be required to read?
What books have you read more than once?
今天我们的MeetUp进行的就是 “which movie/ book are you ashamed to admit you love?”。非常有趣哦。很多你意想不到的答案,也发现原来每个人心中都有一颗“奇葩”的种子。哈哈哈哈哈。。。
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Speak person: Lyle Shi
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Email: marketing@topstudygroup.com.au