四六级单词还没背完 牛津英语词典又开始“纳新”了1000+新词如泥石流扑面而来新词早学早好,机长决定为机友们开个小灶 ▼ 9Air punch这个握紧拳头挥向空中的动作特别用于表达庆祝胜利的喜悦 例:There were air punches as he holed the ball. 8Bovverbother(麻烦、打扰)的另一种说法 例:Am I bovvered? Am I bovvered though? Look at my face. Is it bovvered? Arks me If I'm bovvered! Look, face, bovvered? I ain't bovvered! 7Word cloud词云,即由某个主题相关词汇组成的图片图片上词汇呈现的大小不一这是由它们与主题的关联大小决定的 例:David was mad when he saw your blog's word cloud. It showed "David" in a small font, and "Bob" in a large, bold font. David knows you don't blog about him as often as you blog about Bob. 6Stupid O'Clock一天中非常不适合做某件事的时间 例:We all sat up drinking to stupid o'clock last night. 5Power couple在各自领域都非常成功非常有影响力的夫妻或情侣 例:I'm a fan of those two, they are such a power couple, the epitome of what anyone would want in a relationship. 4Sister from another mister经得起世俗考验的“闺蜜 ”在字典里又多了一种说法这个用法类似于brother from another mother的表达形容那种没有血缘,却亲如兄弟的关系 例:Me and Kyla are close. She's like a sister from another mister. 3Mahalo这是夏威夷人“谢谢”的说法 例:"Here have this money i don't want it." "Mahalo" 2Holy moly用来表达惊讶或者沮丧的语气词 例:A ravishing woman walks into a room. A guy looks at her and says Holy Moly look at her. 1CamelCase指在复合词中每个单词首字母大写的拼法比如PayPal, iPhone,MasterCard 例:LeTs TaLk In CaMeLcAsE aNd MaKe OuR wOrDs UnReAdAbLe!!!!