在澳洲生活你不得不知道的Aussie Slang (第二季)

2016年08月31日 TopStudy


继上次Aussie Slang广受好评之后,我们尊敬的Stanford校长决定给大家放送第二季的Aussie Slang,想说地地道道的英文吗!往下戳!

Boomer: a large male kangaroo

Eg: What a boomer!  好大的袋鼠!


Captain Cook: look (noun)

Eg: Let’s have a Captin Cook. 我们来看一下。


As busy as a cat burying shit: busy

Eg: He is so busy as a cat burying shit. 他很忙。


Crook: sick, or badly made.

Eg: Oh crook, the pizza tastes so bad.  披萨好难吃。


Drink with the flies: to drink alone

Eg: Come to join me dude. I’m drinking with flies.  来和我一起喝酒吧,我一个人喝着呢。

Off one’s face: drunk

Eg: He was off his face by 9 pm. 9:00的时候就喝醉了。

Fair go: a chance

Eg: Give that bloke a fair go.  给那个家伙一个机会吧。


Give it a burl: try it, have a go

Eg: Just give it burl! 试一下又不会死。


Hooroo: Goodbye.

Eg: Hooroo guys! 朋友们再见了。

Milk bar: corner shop that sells takeaway food

Eg: I’m going to the milk bar to buy some food. 我去街边小店买点吃的。








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