Here comes the joyful season when the freshmen step into the new campus and embark on a new journey! On August 23rd, we warmly welcomed the new students in Grade 7 and Grade 9,who brought new vigor and vitality into SCCS.
All the departments in SCCS, including the admission office, financing department, infirmary, teaching affairs office made full preparations to receive the new members and provided help for both parents and students. Teachers warmly guided them around the campus with detailed introductions about the school. 为做好2016新生入学工作,学校各部门紧密配合,积极做好开学前各项准备工作。开学当天,设置了招办、财务、医务室、教学处、学生处、班主任六项流程一站式服务台,帮助家长和同学们办理好入学手续并解答家长们遇到的问题。参加迎新的老师们热情地向家长、同学们介绍学校并带领熟悉校园环境。All the smiling faces, warm greetings and kind services left a deep impression on our new members. And all the work was done in good order. 一张张热情的笑脸,一句句亲切的问候,一项项贴心的服务,欢迎着来自全球各地的莘莘学子。迎新工作如火如荼,到处都是忙碌的身影,各项工作秩序井然。
Inspite of the hot weather, the students still actively participated in all kinds of trainings with great enthusiasm. In just three days, the students can finish the military posture perfectly. The instructor taught students one by one and the students learned with all their hearts. The training improved not only their awarness on discipline but also their team spirit, which becomes an unforgettable memory in their teenage life.尽管烈日当空,但是训练场上的中加学子热情不减,精神抖擞地参与各个项目训练。短短三天时间,齐步走、正步走、齐步变正步、解散、集合及分列式等预定训练科目已有模有样。教官手把手教,学生认真的学,内务整理更是上新台阶。At the same time, disciplined manners and single-minded mentality will benefit all their life. 军训,不仅仅提升了孩子们的团体意识及纪律意识,还构成了属于他们和青春的一段回忆,编成他们生命中的一段小插曲;同时,规范的行为、专注的品质,将会使孩子们终身受用。In the light of the afterglow, we saw both the strict training scenes and the vigorous faces. We can feel the instructors' great expectations and their care for the new students. Let's wish all the new students a wonderful perfomance in the military parade. And we hope that from then on, they can keep striving on this new journey and be faithful to their hearts all the time. 在夕阳的余辉中,我们看到得是教官严格训练的场面,是新生刚毅充满活力的脸庞;同时也感受到了辅导员老师们对新生的期望与关心。让我们共祝2016级新生能在军训中磨练、成长,希望他们能在阅兵式中取得好成绩,也祝他们不忘初心踏上中学新生活,从军训开始一路高歌。