8月26日晚,由西南美商会举办的2016年独立日慈善庆典答谢酒会在成都希尔顿酒店圆满谢幕,各会员企业代表和赞助商们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝独立日慈善庆典的成功举办,西南美商会也借此对62家赞助商的慷慨相助表示衷心的感谢。On the evening of August 26, 2016 AmCham Southwest members and supporters met at the Hilton Chengdu to attend the Appreciation Party for this year’s Independence Day Charity Celebration. 伴随着2016年独立日慈善庆典的视频花絮和音乐,答谢晚宴拉开了序幕,首先西南美商会副会长史君先生简述了美商会活动对成都商业界的影响,美商会在慈善方面所做的努力,并且感谢赞助商们对美商会长期以来的支持。接着史君先生和西南美商会总经理雪莲女士为赞助商们一一颁发慈善感谢证书并合影留念,以此感谢各赞助对西南美商会的支持和对慈善事业的无私奉献。The night started off with music and a video compilation of the 2016 Independence Day Charity Celebration Event held the previous month. The vice Chairman of AmCham, Eli Sweet took to the stage to give an optimistic speech about the current events affecting local businesses. Sweet highlighted AmCham’s charity efforts and thanked the sponsors for their long-time support. To recognize our sponsors, AmCham presented a representative from each sponsor organization with a certificate commemorating their charitable contribution and dedication to the Independence Day Celebration. Representatives were called to the stage to take photos with Sweet and AmCham’s General Manager, Nicole Xue upon accepting their appreciation certificates. 感谢证书授予完后,赞助商们享用着由成都希尔顿酒店赞助的烧烤小吃、畅饮朝日啤酒,相闻互见、畅所欲言。最后借此再次感谢各赞助商对西南美商会和独立日慈善庆典的大力支持。After the awards ceremony, guests were invited to stay for the dinner party and enjoy drinks, generously provided by the Hilton Chengdu. Once again, AmCham wants to thank our sponsors and member companies for their dedication and support—we are the business community of Chengdu. 特别感谢此次答谢酒店的赞助—成都希尔顿酒店Special thanks to the sponsor of the Appreciation Party — Hilton Chengdu