
2016年08月27日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中





      The physical training of the students in Changchun Experimental High School International Division was moving on. All the teachers and students came to the building at 7 am August 26, 2016. The students were very spirited after relaxing and training. The instructors trained the students how to play Tai Chi after running, and they played very well.

     早餐过后,学生们迎来了他们期待已久的项目--真人cs! 训练基地的教官为同学们仔细的讲解作战方法及作战经验,同学们也都认真地学习倾听。讲解之后两队同学被分为防守方和进攻方进行了战斗,双方你攻我守,大家都玩得不亦乐乎!第二个项目高空断桥和高空抓杆。这个项目能够锻炼学生们的勇气和胆量。在同学们进行任务的过程中,苏书记,张主任和Chad校长从学校赶来为同学们加油打气。书记和主任亲切地询问老师和学生们的训练状况以及吃住条件,并不断为学生们加油打气。在他们的鼓舞之下,所有同学都顺利完成了两个高空项目。

     The students played CS after breakfast. The instructor trained the students how to shoot and the students listened carefully. And then the students were divided into two groups and the war started. They were very excited. The second activity was to jump from a very place and this activity needs courage. During this process, Secretary Sue, May and Principle Chad came here to encourage the students and asked the training conditions and accommodation conditions. The students all succeeded in playing this activity.

中午午休之后,高一高二两个年级的同学来到毕业墙前,开始了拓展训练的最后一个项目--翻越毕业墙。这是一个最具挑战性的项目,所有学生需要在不借助任何外力的情况下翻越两米高的水泥墙。这需要团队的力量和奉献精神,学生们自行分配任务,长得较壮的男同学在底下做奠基,长得较高的男同学率先爬上墙顶,在上面往上拉拽下面的同学。就这样大家团结协作, 互相帮助着,所有高一高二同学都成功翻越毕业墙,为这次拓展训练画上了圆满的句号。

The students of G10 and G11 all came to the front of the graduated wall and this was the last activity of this physical training. This was the most challenging activity. All the students need to climb over this wall without any external force. All the students grouped themselves and tied their best to complete this task. At last, they succeeded.

在这次训练中,同学们都挑战了自我,增强了自信心,同时也收获了友谊,亲近了大自然。我们应该相信明天会更好, 就像谚语所说:“你能做的比你想象得多”。虽然拓展只有两天的时间,但是同学们学到了在学校里课堂上得不到的东西超越自我,拼搏奉献,团结互助,团队意识。希望所有学生们都能带着这样的精神和品质去勇敢迎接新学年的挑战!

 In this physical training, all the students challenged themselves, strengthened their confidence, and gained friendship. They could do anything if they want. They learned a lot. Wish all the students can face the challenges of the new semester. 

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