布兰迪斯大学 Bransdis University
两个金融的项目:Master of Science in Finance (MSF) Program at BrandeisIBS
If you have a solid financial and quantitativeskill set, and are in search of a rigorous masters in finance curriculum thatwill place you on an accelerated path to graduation, the Brandeis IBS MSFprogram is a perfect fit.有很好的金融和数学基础
The following prerequisites must becompleted prior to beginning the MSF program. These courses must be taken at anaccredited 3- or 4-year, not-for-profit college or university. Courses tosatisfy the prerequisites may be taken online. Courses taken at othereducational institutions will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
先修课程要求:Financial Management 金融管理学 Statistics统计学
Master of Arts in International Economics and Finance (MA)
Is theMA right for you? 你是否适合这个项目
If youfind international issues exciting, and plan to embark on a career thatinvolves sophisticated analysis in finance, business and/or economic policy,then the answer is yes. The MA hones technical skills, provides internationalexperience, and engages you to tackle real challenges in firms, economies, andfinancial markets. 对国际经济,金融分析、商业分析比较感兴趣
Thefollowing prerequisites must be completed prior to beginning the MA program.These courses must be taken at an accredited 3- or 4-year, not-for-profitcollege or university. Courses to satisfy the prerequisites may be takenonline.
对先修课有要求,要修过以下的课程: Statistics统计学
An introductory course in Statistics such as Statistics orQuantitative Methods统计学 或者定量方法
Two ofthe following:
Principles of Economics经济学原理
Microeconomics 微观经济学
雪城大学 Syrauce University
Masterof Science in Finance
The program's core courses explore thenature of capital markets as they relate to organizational goals and provide anunderstanding of how broad principles of finance and quantitative method.
While weprefer students with degrees in finance, accounting, economics, business,mathematics or other quantitative fields, we will consider students with otherbackgrounds as well. Students must have completed the following foundationcourses to be considered for admission: 有五门先修课的要求 申请之前需要完成的 Financial Accounting 金融会计
* Managerial Accounting管理会计学
* Managerial Finance 管理金融学
* Data Analysis/Business Statistics 数据分析/商业分析
* Economics for Managers 管理经济学
新伯朗士威分校Rutgers,the stateuniversity of New Jersey
专业:Master of Quantitative Finance数量金融硕士
We consider:
How many quantitative classes the applicanthas taken
What kinds of classes those were (i.e.introductory/survey courses vs. a full sequence (e.g. Calculus I, II, &III)
How well the applicant did in those classes
Applicants must have completed at least onefull year of calculus, upper level probability and statistics, linear algebraand differential equations.
I don’t have a finance background. Doesthat disqualify me from being considered for admission?
Not necessarily. Our students come from avariety of backgrounds including mathematics, finance, business, sciences andengineering of all kinds. However, you do need to have had completed theminimum pre-requisite courses to be considered for admission into the program: calculus I, II and III, differential equations微方方程,linear algebra线性代数, probability theory and computer programming统计学原理和计算机编程.
专业:Master of Science in Finance
The application requirements for ourprograms are posted to our website here:
Students of all majors are eligible toapply. We are looking for some kind of quantitative experience--which can bereflected in your coursework (classes like financial management, statistics ormicroeconomics), your professional or internship experience, or your standardizedtest scores.
Pittsburgh University
专业:Master of Science in Finance
Other than an undergraduate degree, noprerequisites are required. Please note that these programs do not fall underthe STEM program.
As this is a new program, a Student Profileis not available, however students interested in submitting a competitiveapplication for the MS in Finance program should have a 3.0 GPA and at least a600 on the GMAT exam.
应该是今年新开的一个项目 这个项目侧重与公司资本运营以及投资管理这方面的学习。
Syracuse University
专业:Master of Science in Finance
While weprefer students with degrees in finance, accounting, economics, business,mathematics or other quantitative fields, we will consider students with otherbackgrounds as well. Students must have completed the following foundationcourses to be considered for admission: 有五门先修课的要求 申请之前需要完成的 Financial Accounting 金融会计
* Managerial Accounting 管理会计
* Managerial Finance 管理财务
* Data Analysis/Business Statistics数据分析
* Economics for Managers 管理经济学 http://whitman.syr.edu/programs-and-academics/programs/ms/finance/curriculum.aspx
从先修课程要求上来看这个金融还是偏数量方面 要求修过商业分析或数据分析课程 可以从公司财务、风险管理、房地产、投资四个方面来选课
Maryland University
专业:Master of Science in Finance
SufficientQuantitative Background (Exposure to linear algebra andadvanced statistics is highly recommended)