这道17年的新题,大家初见是不是觉得有点懵逼?的确,第一眼见到这道题目心里就想说 “我怎么运气那么不好!”抽到这样一道难题…但是偏偏,这道题目最近考到的频率并不小,不少烤鸭都抱怨说,这题要怎么回答啊~ 一脸懵逼,直接报下一场好了…
Cue Card
Area of Science that you interested in
Describe an area of science that you are interested in
You should say:
What is it?
When you started to become interested in it?
What you have learned from it?
And explain why you are interested in it.
I have always been fascinated by physics and fundamental forces and laws of physics that put planets, stars and galaxies in order.
I first learnt about physics in my secondary school class. To be honest I don’t remember exactly when but I do recall how much I struggle to understand the concepts and use my own logic and abstract reasoning to understand the formulas. At first I disliked it because I had to memorize everything and all I cared about was passing my exams and assignments so physics was nothing more than a subject that I had to learn…
As I entered university, I enrolled in a subject called “Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity”. That’s when I realized how beautiful and astonishing the universe is and how much there’s out there that I didn’t know about. I have learnt so much from physics that don’t know where to begin. For example, I know that gravitational forces are responsibly for maintain stability in the world and that it would be impossible to survive on earth if the distance from the Sun was slightly altered.
I also gained a comprehensive understanding of time travel, worm holes and black holes where the laws of physics become invalid. Time travel has always been portrayed in science fiction movies but in fact it’s quite possible given the right technological advancements and physical environment to make it happen. Other mysteries disclosed by physics would be the big bang theory, special relativity, nuclear and fusion energy, unlimited free energy and many other topics covered by physics.
I also find it interesting that many ordinary everyday applications of physics take place in our daily lives without even anyone noticing. For example, our coffee machines, vehicles, trams and trains, televisions and everything around us would not exist without discoveries and achievements in the field of physical science.
Key vocabulary
Fascinate: Vt. 使入迷,深深吸引
Fundamental force: [力] 基本力,基本相互作用
Galaxy: n. 银河,银河系,星系
Struggle: Vi. 奋斗,努力,挣扎
Abstract reasoning: 抽象推理
Astonishing: adj. 惊人的,令人惊讶的
Gravitational force: 重力,万有引力
Gain a comprehensive understanding of: 获得一个全面的了解
Worm holes: 虫洞
Black holes: 黑洞
The big bang theory: [关于宇宙起源的] 大爆炸理论
Fusion energy: [核] 聚变能,融合能