April, a month of welcoming new questions

2017年04月18日 剑桥考试语言辅导

4月即将过去,转题的5月即将来临。无论新题旧题,我们历来主张:任你东西南北风,我自岿然不动,稳坐钓鱼台,以不变胜万变。更何况,雅思出新题也就只占3成不是? 有道是:温故而知新。我们一起来回顾1-4月的口语题。

A. Describing a person:

    - a family member

    - a neighbour

    - a polite person

    - an interesting celebrity 

    - an influential person

    - a creative artist

B. Describing a thing

    - a job you are good at

    - a weather you love

    - a life plan

    - an interesting image

    - a domestic equipment

    - a used mobile phone

C. Describing an activity or an event

    - a self-drive

    - a trip you disliked

    - a speech

    - an important appointment you missed

    - a historic incident

D. Describing a place

    - a newly opened shop

    - a cafe

    - a garden

    - a swimming pool

    - a country you expect to work in

    - a high building


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