
2017年04月29日 美国驻华大使馆

52周二 18:30富布赖特研究学者 John Crespi:从漫画看历史

Tuesday,May 2, 18:30 Fulbrighter John Crespi Shares How Cartoons Explain History


上海美国中心嘉宾讲座系列旨在带大家走近美国社会的方方面面。本期活动中,我们请到了复旦大学富布赖特研究学者 John Crespi 教授。他会和大家分享自己在中国的多次富布赖特研究学者经历,如何在机缘巧合下开始研究被一些人认为只是搞笑图片的漫画。在Crespi 教授看来,包括一些上海漫画家在内的漫画作者实际上通过画笔,记录和解释了很多历史变化。

As part of our guest lecture series, which explores different elements ofAmerican culture, values and society, the Shanghai American Center is proud tohost Professor John Crespi, a Fulbright Senior Scholar currently at FudanUniversity.  He will talk about hismultiple experiences in China as a prestigious Fulbright scholar, and how itbrought him to study cartoons, something many people think of as just funnypictures.  Professor Crespi will explainthat in fact cartoonists, including Shanghai’s manhua artists, created andpublished an incredible variety of images that explain many historical changes.


This talk will be in Chinese with little English interpretation.  Please bring your photo ID to enter theShanghai American Center.



54周四 18:30佛教在美国:传承与创新

Thursday,May 4, 18:30 Tradition and Innovation in American Buddhism


上海美国中心嘉宾讲座系列旨在带大家走近美国社会的方方面面。本期活动中,我们请到了复旦大学的美国教授Shenghai Li来为大家介绍佛教在美国的发展历史。ShenghaiLi 教授是复旦大学中华古籍保护研究院的博士研究员,此前曾在印度作富布赖特研究学者。讲座中,他会带大家回顾佛教在美国的发展历史——从最初美国对佛教产生兴趣到美国佛教在眼下的初期阶段呈现的特点,以及其如何受到亚洲佛教宗派的影响等。

As part of our guest lecture series, which explores different elements ofAmerican culture, values and society, the Shanghai American Center is proud tohost American Professor Shenghai Li for a talk on the history of Buddhism inthe United States.  Professor Li is a PhDresearcher at Fudan University’s Institute for the Study and Preservation ofClassical Chinese Books, and was previously a Fulbright Scholar in India.  His talk will sketch a historical survey fromthe earliest expressions of American interest and look at some distinctiveelements that have emerged at this early stage of American Buddhism, whichfeatures the presence of virtually all major Asian Buddhist denominations.


This talk will be in English only with no Chinese interpretation.  Please bring your photo ID to enter theShanghai American Center.




55周五 18:30《聚焦》放映 + 新奥尔良《皮卡尤恩时报》前总编 Jim Amoss 交流会

Friday,May 5, 18:30 ‘Spotlight’ Screening and Talk with Jim Amoss


本次电影夜活动中,上海美国中心特别请到了新奥尔良市拥有178年历史的《皮卡尤恩时报》前总编Jim Amoss,他将为大家带来2016奥斯卡最佳影片《聚焦》(Spotlight)。该片改变自真实事件,讲述了《波士顿环球报》的“聚焦”报道小组如何突破重重阻碍,披露当地天主教试图掩盖神父性侵儿童的丑闻。影片放映前,Amoss先生会就本片及相关话题和大家交流。

It’s movie night at the Shanghai American Center and this time we are proud tohost Jim Amoss, former chief editor of The Times-Picayune, New Orleans’178-year-old newspaper for a screening of Spotlight, the 2016 OscarWinner for Best Picture. Spotlight tells the true story of how theBoston Globe uncovered the massive scandal of child molestation and cover-upwithin the local Catholic Archdiocese, shaking the entire Catholic Church toits core. Before the screening, Mr. Amoss will introduce the film and talkabout its focus on journalism.


Jim Amoss
目前是Advance Local的特约编辑。1990年至2015年期间,他担任新奥尔良市拥有178年历史的《皮卡尤恩时报》的总编辑。任职期间,该报纸赢得四项普利策奖,创下建报以来的纪录,其中两获普利策公共服务金奖,以表彰对飓风卡特里娜及其后果的报道,及对世界渔业状况恶化的系列报道。1997年,他获得国家新闻基金会的年度编辑奖;2006年,他获得《编辑和出版者》杂志的年度编辑奖以及美国新闻编辑协会的编辑领导奖。1969年,他以极优成绩毕业于耶鲁大学,并在19691970年作为罗德学者在牛津大学深造。

Jim Amoss is currently serving as the editor at large of Advance Local. From 1990 to 2015, he was the chief editor of  The Times-Picayune, NewOrleans’ 178-year-old newspaper. During his tenure, the paper won four PulitzerPrizes, the first in the paper’s history, including two Pulitzer Gold Medals inPublic Service for coverage of Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, and for aseries on the worsening state of the world’s fisheries. Amoss was named Editorof the Year by the National Press Foundation in 1997 and by Editor andPublisher magazine in 2006, when he also won the American Society of NewsEditors' Award for Editorial Leadership. He graduated magna cum laude from YaleUniversity and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University.


The film is 129 minutes long and is in English with English subtitles. Pleasebring your photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.

59周二 18:30 周嘉宁:爱荷华大学国际写作计划二三事

Tuesday,May 9, 18:30  Stories from University ofIowa’s International Writing Program with Author Zhou Jianing


Did you know the University of Iowa hasone of the top-ranked Creative Writing programs in the world?  Every year,the school collaborates with the US Government to send some of the world’s mosttalented young writers for a residency program that has hosted over 1,400writers from 140 countries since 1967.  Last year, Shanghai author ZhouJianing went to the university to participate in the 12-week writer inresidency program and on May 9th, we welcome her to the Shanghai AmericanCenter, where she will share her experiences as well as some of her storieswith you.


This talk will be in Chinese only with no interpretation.  Pleasebring your photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.



511周四 18:30  美中关系这 45

Thursday,May 11, 18:30   A Retrospective on 45Years of US-China Relations


上海美国中心嘉宾讲座系列旨在带大家走近美国社会的方方面面。今年是1972年尼克松访华45周年,本期活动中,我们请到了Joe Renouard博士来和大家分享他对于45年美中关系的解读。Joe Renouard博士是南京大学-约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的客座教授,主要研究外交和美国历史。讲座中,Renouard博士会从尼克松时期的两国关系开始说起,一直谈到今天的美中关系,并就两国未来可能的走向提出建议。

This year marks the 45th anniversary of themomentous 1972 Nixon-Mao summit and the Shanghai Communique.  As part ofour guest lecture series, which explores different elements of Americanculture, values and society, the Shanghai American Center is proud to host Dr.Joe Renouard, who will share his thoughts on 45 years of U.S.-ChinaRelations.  Dr. Renouard is a resident professor at the Hopkins-NanjingCenter who specializes in diplomacy and U.S. history.  For his talk, Dr.Renouard will explore the historical context of the relationship  from thepresidency of Richard Nixon to the present day as well as offer somesuggestions as to where the two nations may be headed in the future.


This talk will be in Englishonly with no Chinese interpretation.  Please bring your photo ID to enterthe Shanghai American Center.



上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540




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